After the wave of criticism, Vlad Voiculescu changes the message. What do you recommend to Romanians for New Year’s Eve – Font news


After the viral message sent on Wednesday by the Ministry of Health, in which Romanians were urged to stay at home on New Year’s Eve to reduce the risk of contagion from COVID-19, MS returns with another recommendation: “Tonight take in arms to the dear people with whom you share a roof. “

“We know it was not easy this year, it changed everyone’s life. However, it is not long before we return to normality with the vaccination. Tonight take in your arms the beloved people with whom you share the roof and rejoice. #stamacasă so that the next new year will be with friends, family and many, many hugs. We deserve it “, is the message sent this Thursday by the Ministry of Health.

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A day ago, the Ministry of Health had a message for Romanians: “Stay home this New Year’s Eve. It will help reduce the risk of spreading COVID-19 and help front-line medical personnel breathe, because they are now suffocating under the pressure of cases. Thousands of doctors and nurses are fighting the pandemic on the front lines. They take care of us and now is the time for us to take care of them. Deserve”.

The latter has more than a thousand comments, most of them critical. People write in the comments that in the elections the message was to get out of the houses, and now they are urged to stay at home. Others complain that they make sacrifices and the authorities have appeared several times in violation of the rules.

Also promote healthy habits such as: proper nutrition, physical activity and socialization. All of this improves the immune system through several scientifically proven methods! in case the Ministry of Health – Romania, forgot .. “,” As on another occasion, let’s stay at home, and you celebrate and they don’t see you !! “,” It remains closed because psychiatrists also need patients “- These are just some comments.
