After the queue at the store, the Cantacuzino Institute announces that it will double the production capacity of the Orostim-HV supplement


The Ministry of Defense announced this Wednesday, in a statement, that the Cantacuzino Institute will soon double the production capacity of the Orostim-HV supplement, after today a queue of people formed in the institution’s store to buy the product.

The Ministry of National Defense affirms that OROSTIM-HV represented “a research project carried out by the Cantacuzino Institute during this year, at the end of which the Institute began the micro-production process, with its own experimental capabilities.”

Today, the supplement to increase immunity was put on sale in the store of the institution, the first batch produced, that is, one of 942 bottles.

The maximum rate that the “Cantacuzino” National Institute for Medical-Military Research-Development can assure, with the micro-production capabilities it provides, is, at this time, 1,000 bottles put on sale in a period of 10 to 14 days. . This rate is conditioned both by the limited production capacity, but above all by the quality control that is strictly carried out for each batch produced. By optimizing the flow of microproduction, the Institute intends to double this amount in the next period ”, underlines the Ministry of Defense.

The Ministry of National Defense points out that “the mass production of the OROSTIM HV immunomodulator can be subcontracted to specialized economic agents that have manufacturing capacities at an industrial level.”

“In this sense, the Institute expresses its willingness to start conversations with producers interested in transferring technology, so that OROSTIM HV can be offered in the market in sufficient quantities,” the statement read.

How much does the Orostim-HV supplement cost?

As of December 2, those interested will be able to purchase the product at the Cantacuzino Institute point of sale, at Splaiul Independenței no. 103.

The price varies between 25 and 80 lei, depending on the number of capsules and the concentration:

  • OROSTIM-HV 125 bottle with 10 capsules: 25 lei
  • OROSTIM-HV 125 bottle with 30 capsules: 60 lei
  • OROSTIM-HV 250 bottle with 10 capsules: 30 lei
  • OROSTIM-HV 250 bottle with 30 capsules: 80 lei

According to the researchers, OROSTIM-HV is a dietary supplement that contains a combination of an atomized lysate consisting of 15 bacterial strains and a green barley extract powder. It has antioxidant and immune-stimulating properties, which increase the body’s resistance to infection.

The product is administered during periods of risk of respiratory infections to people who work in communities with high susceptibility to disease, children with repeated respiratory infections, and the elderly in states with low immunity.

Publisher: GC
