After May 15, we removed restrictions based on epidemiological risk.


Prime Minister’s statements:

Romania was not prepared for this danger. We had no strategic stock of equipment and medications. The outbreak of the epidemic caught us without stocks of drugs, devices. A great effort has been made. We have successfully overcome this crisis, we are in a position to allow ourselves gestures of humanity, such as support for the Republic of Moldova.

Many hospitals have not been prepared to meet such a challenge. We needed constant evolution in all areas to improve the quality of services in all institutions. The government has taken action before other countries take action and before there are warnings to compel the government to take such action.

The government began the battle with COVID-19 before the March 15 emergency. We have been taking action since the outbreak of the epidemic in China, which has received criticism, such as quarantine and isolation at home. We instituted measures to suspend flights, suspend schools and many other measures that were considered with some confidence at the time, but which led to an effective result in the battle of the Government and the authorities.

The government had a preventive attitude. We diagnose according to needs, based on the protocol established at the WHO level and which is also promoted by the European Commission and was validated by the Ministry of Health through the INSP. An indicator showing the degree of spread is the number of patients in ATI, the number of 260 has never been exceeded.

Another indicator is the number of deaths. While in Romania they are in the hundreds, in Spain and France they are in the tens of thousands, not to mention Belgium, which has the highest number of deaths for every hundred inhabitants. We had to take steps along the way, to strengthen the capacity of the institutions involved in the COVID-19 battle, to constantly improve ourselves. The epidemic exhausted us, a great effort was made, even diplomatically because the demand was very high and we used all the political and diplomatic resources to obtain the contracts.

In terms of test capacity, we start from a few laboratories with a capacity of several hundred tests per day. Today, 60 test centers are in operation. Today’s capacity is 11,000 tests daily and we want to reach 15,000 tests, we are talking about RT PCR devices. We have increased testing capacity with other acquisitions, such as extractors. We were faced with the need to improve management at the hospital level, we had many cases, many situations in which hospitals became sources of infection, we resorted to the management of military doctors. The decisions we have made have had favorable effects in many hospitals.

With regard to DSPs, we have constantly sought to strengthen their capacity, we have called for the emergency transfer of medical personnel, whether in the school network, residents or elsewhere to strengthen their capacity in all activities, on the border, in hospital units for compliance with protocols, etc. We complemented the number of employees with 2000 positions and as the tests increased, the epidemiological investigations increased, the Public Health Directorates constantly developed.

We took measures that were not popular but that saw their effect, we banned the parallel export of drugs and protective equipment necessary to combat COVID-19. Regarding the treatment for COVID-19, I had times when I was near the treatment limit and made an effort to obtain the necessary treatments. Following a donation, we are developing a plasma donation system for cured patients.

The need to impose restrictions: I never wanted to be in a position to impose restrictions for Romanian citizens. All restrictions were taken only to protect the health of Romanians, to save lives, to reduce the spread of the coronavirus. I didn’t take them for granted, I took them because they were necessary. European countries that did not take them on time could no longer stop the spread of cases. The measures are temporary. We propose that after May 15, we gradually remove restrictions based only on the epidemiological risk criteria. The epidemiological risk assessment is carried out by specialists and is the basis for lifting the restrictions. For each lifting of restrictions, we will wait around 15 days to see the effects.

It is the period in which the virus generates symptoms and we can verify to what extent it affects the lifting of restrictions. Any lifting of restrictions will be accompanied by a set of rules. We will impose a set of rules regarding both public transportation and office work. We will also establish rules that have a single purpose, to reduce the risk of the virus spreading. We pay special attention to the economy. Our goal was to affect the economy as little as possible. Any economic activity for which the risk of spread was not high, we allow its development. None of the construction sites were closed, either investments in energy infrastructure, or made through CNI or PNDL, or other investments. We have allowed all economic activities necessary for the economy and whose restrictions could have seriously affected the economy. We also observe budget revenues, the decreases are less than the forecasts made.

Among the main economic measures we have taken are SMEs Invest, interest guarantee and subsidy, working capital insurance loans and investment loans. The number of companies that submitted applications exceeded 50,000. They certainly will not receive everything, because the decisions will be made by the banks they choose.

Technical unemployment: so that the employees of the companies that were going to interrupt the activity totally or partially can remain with the company. It was very important because there were teams and it would have been very difficult to resume work with other people.

For the first period of technical unemployment, we had more than 570,000 employees. In addition, we had a way of granting 75% subsidies to professionals of the Civil Code, to sports clubs, which could no longer function. We had almost 60,000 beneficiaries. Another measure was the suspension of the payment of the loan installments for a period of up to 9 months, on December 31. The addressability of this measure was the widest. Almost 40,000 people and companies have benefited so far from this decision, the suspension of tariffs. We have removed the pressure on local taxes by extending the deadline so that they can be paid until June 30. We have ordered the deferment of the payment of public services and rentals for certain natural and legal persons. We have exempted ourselves from paying the special taxes that were paid on the number of places or areas of accommodation during the state of emergency and we intend to extend this measure until the reopening of the activity in Horeca. We increase the pressure on companies and individuals for budget accounts receivable. We have postponed the filing deadline for October 30.

In the social field, in addition to measures to support employees, we have extended unemployment benefits to people whose rights expire at least until the end of the emergency period. We have regulated the measure of some social assistance benefits. We are in the process of evaluating the financial resources that we may access in the future. These resources come from the budget, from European funds that we have at our disposal, they come from loans that can be taken from the Romanian banking financial system, from the international market. We intend to expand the bond issuance tool and offer the opportunity to citizens who have the opportunity to save. Let’s involve the citizen in a “Romanian for Romanian” program. We have the opportunity to use loans and involve the European Investment Fund in support projects. We are also carrying out an extensive state investment program.

60 companies have obtained authorization to produce coveralls and about 100 companies that can produce biocides, companies that are very close to satisfying domestic demand. We can take advantage of an international economic situation in which Romania can take advantage of the relocation of some companies. We are preparing some measures according to the SME Invest model and for large companies.

We are preparing a state aid plan to guarantee the aid credit that already works in Germany and other countries. In the structure of corporate loans, consumer loans are very important. More than 60% of business loans are consumer loans. If a company is accredited and does not comply with the payments, it risks affecting the healthy companies in the chain, we enter a deadlock. This state aid scheme, which already exists in the European Commission approval table, is a guarantee and commitment scheme to ensure commercial credit, which will certainly reduce bottlenecks and affect chain companies if one of they have problems with payments. We are also trying to mobilize a large amount of European funds for small and medium-sized enterprises, for investment loans. We try to relocate funds from areas where we cannot spend money to earmark money for these investments. Last but not least, we are thinking of building an investment fund.

In terms of employee support, we will generate several types of active measures for companies that will restart their businesses. We will move from the measure of technical unemployment to an active measure. For anyone who returns to work, we will participate in supporting the payment of wages, with a percentage between 35% and 45% of the gross wage. We will support companies and hire people who do not have a job today, with active measures that will vary according to other criteria. For example, people over 50 are more difficult to employ and that is why we will increase the allocation of the active measure for those people. We will also support youth employment. We will try to generate a program of adaptation to the labor market through a training program and training, but through a different application program. We will try to partner with the company you want to hire and do these trainings. And we will compel those people to remain employed for at least two years.

Questions from journalists

Reporter: Will the maximum fines of 20,000 lei be maintained and what will they be applied for?

Ludovic Orban: We will reflect on this decision. We have not made a decision and will make it public when we make a decision.

Journalist: Are you considering a reform in the administration and a reduction in wages in the budget apparatus?

Ludovic Orban: We did the reform, the certificates were issued online, unemployment was applied only online, the SME Invest program runs exclusively online. We need to move towards digitization, efficiency.

Journalist: Are you preparing a health reform?

Ludovic Orban: Certainly, after this wave of epidemic, we will take action in the health system. There were some things visible to the naked eye: hospital administration, falling asleep where the DSPs were, etc.

Journalist: How do you see the idea of ​​having a stock of medicines? There is a drug crisis in pharmacies.

Ludovic Orban: He was allowed to take prescription drugs for two months instead of one, in addition to other inventories. That was one of the reasons why we banned parallel exports.

Journalist: What would be the relaxation measures for the economy in the next period?

Ludovic Orban: Trade, we will open trade, except shopping malls. Having a purchase will increase production. The resumption of traffic will favorably affect fuel companies. The opening of hairdressers, hotels and beauty salons will also contribute. The restrictions will apply to restaurants, cafes, bars.

Reporter: When can we travel?

Ludovic Orban: traveling outside the locality will be allowed for certain important reasons: at work, the doctor, agricultural activities, relatives, there will be some relaxation.

Reporter: Will it reduce the right to drive by emergency ordinance?

Ludovic Orban: I would not like to get into a constitutional discussion now. If we need to strengthen regulation, we will. These restrictions protect the health of each of us. I can’t help but notice how almost all televisions have lost the beach.

Reporter: Romania is one of the countries that did not reach the peak of the pandemic. However, how did you decide on some relaxation measures?

Ludovic Orban: I said we are on the roof with a slight downward trend. Also note the number of people healed. If you average, you can see the evolution, it is in a slight decrease, and in the number of diseases and active cases. I can’t say I’m past the peak. We spent Easter, May 1 helped us with the weather, the world did not go massively in green spaces. I say I had a good time on May 1.

Journalist: Will the tip catch us relaxing?

Ludovic Orban: We’ll see.

Reporter: Will the 2020-2021 school year catch up with online learning students?

Ludovic Orban: It will depend on the evolution of the epidemic. We must be prepared for any situation. We need to help schools that do not have the equipment and equipment necessary to overcome this situation. If there is no risk of spreading the virus, schools will start normally.

Reporter: When will flights resume and under what conditions?

Ludovic Orban: At the European level there is a very broad debate on the resumption of flights, it cannot be a unilateral act by Romania because we have the majority of flights with European states. When we decide at the European level, we will also decide.

Reporter: Will high school start or not on June 22?

Ludovic Orban: For now, the exams will be given within the established deadlines. I am not aware of other changes.

Journalist: What will happen to Romanian pensions and subsidies?

Ludovic Orban: As you well know, according to the stability pact, after the first six months of each year, the Ministry of Finance must publish a report and forecasts. Depending on the decisions that are required, we will certainly increase pensions, depending on budgetary resources and forecasts.

Journalist: Have you ever thought about opening kindergartens and nurseries?

Ludovic Orban: A meeting took place today at the Ministry of Education with representatives of the private sector. Tomorrow I will have a meeting with the Minister of Education on this subject.

Reporter: Why do areas that do not have many infections reopen faster? There are 30 counties that have a maximum of 300 cases.

Ludovic Orban: Instead, we will maintain restrictions in areas with many infections.
