After being infected with COVID-19, Sorin Cârțu exploded: ‘How stupid to be to believe that they dumped the virus and didn’t have the antidote?’ – News by sources


Sorin Cârțu, the president of the University of Craiova, broke out on the topic of Covid-19. The former great Craiova Maxima player suggested that the virus was created and released by people and harshly criticized the restrictions facing Romanian soccer.

“I was watching handball in Aarhus, there were spectators in the stands in Denmark, about 2,000. I’ve been saying since April, not now, that it’s a man-made virus, that the lilac missed the rat, got shot, and the planet dies. How much to hide the lie under the rug? It will be fixed somehow. I said the vaccine will appear in December, that’s how everything was calculated. How stupid of me to think that they dumped the virus and didn’t have the antidote? The specialists should give us the antidote, not tell me to sit with a mask or to keep my distance, because that’s what I can do. As sports minister, I fight for spectators to come to games, I support my cause. Can’t you see they’re not fighting? ”Sorin Cârțu declared on ProSport Live.

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Sorin Cârțu tested positive for COVID-19 in September. He says he was not sick, as he had no symptoms, and suggests that the virus only affects those with a weakened immune system.

“I avoided it, nobody knows how to take it, who gives it to you, it’s hard to understand. It is very important if you are positive or sick, there are big differences. That is why the COVID environment in Romania intrigues me, because I don’t know how many die… Many are 90 years old, they have other problems. Since you stay home you are not sick. It’s like before, with a stronger flu, that means something to the lungs too. My wife and I were safe. He had absolutely nothing, he was not sick, there are so many. It also depends on the immune system. Mihai Rotaru, Ovidiu Costeșin, they had it in their lungs, hence the aggravation of the situation. It acts on a weak immune system, finds you and acts “, said Sorin Cârţu.
