Neurosurgeon Alexandru Vlad Ciurea spoke on Digi24 on Monday night about wearing a mask and gave advice to those who believe the mask robs them of freedom.
Cosmin Prelipceanu: There are many of us who do not wear a mask and it seems that we have not understood the mechanism. If I wear a mask, I stand up for others. If I know someone who does not have a mask, it means they are putting me in danger. Why is this so difficult to understand?
Prof. Dr. Vlad Ciurea: I think there is an explanation flaw here. First of all, we all listen to the specialists, as we listen to the traffic agent. What do infectious disease specialists say? The specialist says that, in addition to hygiene, wear a mask! For you, to protect yourself, and secondly, not to cough up the one in front of you. I’m so used to the mask that I didn’t know how to put it here. I got used to wearing a mask all day. There is nothing serious in this problem, not like a beauty … you realize how simple, simple means of protection! That puppy we take to the park and say ‘Put a muzzle on it’ is dangerous, right? You put his muzzle on quickly, but don’t comment. Knife, you have to muzzle him, because he’s bad, but man? In that sense, we vaccinate him, but not the man!
Cosmin Prelipceanu: Do this similarity, many do.
Prof. Dr. Vlad Ciurea: But the dog is our soul …
Cosmin Prelipceanu: There are those who say that wearing a mask is like giving up freedom, which is a muzzle.
Prof. Dr. Vlad Ciurea: Let’s check COVID and get the muzzle out! It’s temporary! And then we become free.