Adriana Săftoiu, bitten by a dog in a residential area of ​​Bucharest. At the hospital she learned that she was the third victim of the mammal.


NLP MP Adriana Săftoiu was bitten by a dog while walking in the Greenfield area of ​​Băneasa, and at Matei Balş hospital, where she was administered rabies medication, she discovered that she is the third victim, probably from the same dog.

“He was following in my footsteps, always on the same route: Băneasa, Greenfield area. I didn’t hear him, I didn’t see him, I didn’t feel him until he grabbed me. I managed to separate myself from his fangs, a huge black and white dog , wide. I kept facing him, trying to push him away. He stopped a few meters away and looked at me growling. I managed to get to a Mega Image in the neighborhood. I realized it was not a joke. He was bleeding a lot, “said Săftoiu on Facebook . .

Because she was walking and had no money with her, Adriana Săftoiu received attention from the employees of a Mega Image.

“I did not have a lion with me to buy alcohol. But I did meet some nice people, they gave me the bottle on the shelf and I poured strong. I stopped a car (God bless those two young men!), They took me home, they put me Some bandages, they got into my car and went straight to Elías’s emergency room, three wounds, fortunately only one deep.

From there to Balş to fight rabies. In front of me, three more people. I ask if they all defend the vaccine. Yes. And the lady across the street tells me that she was bitten in Băneasa, Greenfield area towards the zoo. Describes my dog ​​to me. Same. I get on the chair. The doctor on duty asks me where it happened. After giving him the details, he tells me: You are the third person in two hours, from the same area, bitten by a dog with the same signs ”., specified the NLP deputy.

Săftoiu alerted the City Council of sector 1. “It is an area where there are many children, especially on a sunny day. Let’s hope there are no more victims, ”wrote Traian Băsescu’s former adviser.

He followed in my footsteps, always following the same route: Băneasa, Greenfield area. I didn’t hear it, I didn’t see it, I didn’t …

Posted by Ana Adriana Săftoiu on Sunday, September 20, 2020

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