Adrian Streinu Cercel, on the new COVID strain: ‘The mutation is not that important, it is not a major mutation’ – Source news


Professor Adrian Steinu Cercel, president of the Senate Health Commission, spoke live by phone on Antena 3, where he spoke exclusively about the suspicion of a new strain of coronavirus in Romanian territory. “The mutation is not that important, it is not a major mutation, so it requires a new vaccine,” said the doctor.

“We are talking about a different strain than the one in circulation at the moment. This week we will see a series of additional tests to find out what the potential link is with the UK strain or another new form of circulating virus.

The symptoms are common, except that we, at the level of the National Institute of Infectious Diseases Matei Balş, have put in place an action plan to control the circulation of the viral strain and see if there are differences in its structure.

Unfortunately, there was such a difference last week, a difference we count, the difference being the spike protein, which is also used in vaccine development.

We do a series of extensive tests, precisely, to see those things (…) As we evolve with the diagnosis, we may have to develop the area of ​​diagnosis, so we have to do another type of analysis. more detailed.

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As was the case with the strain from Spain, Italy, we always try to carefully monitor the circulation of these viruses, because you never know. It is important that people coming from the UK are closely monitored, because right now all infectious disease hospitals are full so we need to be very careful how we handle this situation.

Colleagues in the ministry and even colleagues at the National Institute of Public Health have such information and, as such, will try to develop new policies in handling this pandemic.

It is not the case at the moment to speak of the need for a new vaccine, because the current vaccine is a coverage vaccine. The mutation is not that important, it is not a major mutation, so it requires a new vaccine, ”said Streinu Cercel.
