Adrian Sârbu, sprinkled by a TV star! “Is this just the beginning? Or the end?”


“I saw Sârbu’s new television, Aleph News”, begins his story Dan Negru, the moderator of some of the most watched entertainment programs in Romania.

“Sârbu was my main enemy for 20 years and the most difficult thing for me was fighting not with Sarbu from Pro but Sarbu from Antenna because everyone wanted to copy him, not face him.

With a very used dollar cart, Sârbu changed the world of television in Romania ”, the director also writes on Facebook.

Dan Spătaru told me how in Mamaia, when Aureliano Andreescu received long applause for his performance of the hit “Copacul”, Spătaru’s response was “I could do that with my voice.”

With so much money, Sarbu’s Pro could do it.

Today the world is different!

I was hoping the release would contain at least a worldwide exclusivity and not the classic news you see everywhere!

The time for balanced news that Sărbu wants is over. You can’t find them anywhere else in the world.

The intelligent public knows how to choose and then vote because the vote continues to be the protagonist of the news in any part of the world ”, says Dan Negru.

“I watched the new Sârbu television for a few hours and did not understand at all the close-ups of the moderators’ captains, exaggerated and exhausting close-ups. (Now he has confirmed that what the manual says is true, that close-ups are tiring)

The heads of young people reading old news.

Moderators with opinions but without notoriety.

So the concept of “social television” that Sarbu says is new, it is old, all televisions have had content adapted for all screens for a long time.

The smart public knows!

Facebook has become an aging thing, much less on television, ”says the famous television host.

“Beyond the content, the cheapness of the packaging hurts. Pro wasn’t used to that! Bad logo, bumpers, chroma, a lot of YouTube mocha

Is this just the beginning?

Or the end? Dan Negru prophesies.

“The only Romanian who mattered on world television was not Sârbu. It was Valeriu Lazarov who built modern Italian television, the Spanish one.

Lazarov was the only one who did not want to be Sarbu.

In Romania, with its productions, Antena had the motto “leader in television entertainment” and TVR was in the top 3.

When I asked Mr. Lazarov why certain TV formats no longer work, he replied:

“Because life is beautiful because it has a beginning and an end.”

A beautiful lesson for us who don’t get along with this!

And maybe the lesson Lazarov gives Sarbu, beyond death:

“LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL BECAUSE IT HAS A BEGINNING AND AN END”, concludes the most famous host of entertainment programs.

Aleph News was launched on September 1 and has a team of people who have worked with Adrian Sârbu such as Costi Mocanu, Felix Drăghici, Bogdan Hofbauer, Lucian Nemoiu, Răzvan Hriscu, Cristina Airabedian and Vlad Craioveanu, as well as new collaborators such as Ion Cristoiu , Marius Tucă, Ioana Ţigănilă, Ioana Voicu and others.
