Actress Carmen Tănase: With this virus there is a plan and the goal is the children! Someone is sitting on the buttons and playing – Font News


Actress Carmen Tănase considers the Covid-19 pandemic to be more than an experiment, and someone “sits on the buttons and plays.” Carmen Tănase says that the target of this plan would be children, who must be taught to live in a world with restrictions.

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“I think it’s more than an experiment, I think it’s a plan. I mean, there’s no one sitting on the buttons and playing. No, there’s a well-established order of the buttons, I think. I still refuse to be afraid.

I realize that the moment fear takes over, the game with me is lost.

And then they refuse to be afraid of me, but I think anxiously of children because I realized that they are the target of this new world; They constantly tell us that we have to get used to this new life that we will live. What does this new life mean?

We have milestones, we have something to rely on, we have a past. We also went through the dictatorship, we went through communism, problems, shortcomings, then this freedom came, which everyone understood as they wanted, but we lived ”, says Carmen Tănase, reports Antena 3.
