Academician Alexandru Surdu Died From COVID-19 – Source News


With deep pain and deep regret, the Titu Maiorescu University of Bucharest announces the departure of the academic Alexandru Surdu (b. February 24, 1938, Brașov), due to COVID-19.

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Academician Alexandru Surdu was one of the most important names in contemporary Romanian philosophy, a leading author in the field, a scientist of our culture, a great humanist scholar, with a solid classical and modern culture, of European scope, an editor of prestige (editor of the great authors of Romanian philosophy, the most important editor of Titu Maiorescu’s work), elite researcher and great professor. He was Vice President of the Romanian Academy, President of the Department of Philosophy, Theology, Psychology and Pedagogy and Director of the Institute of Philosophy and Psychology “Constantin Rădulescu-Motru” of the Academy. He is the author of a prodigious work, composed of fundamental writings, among which are: Classical logic and mathematical logic (1971), Elements of intuitionist logic (1976), The actuality of the thought-language relationship. Theory of Prejudicial Forms (1989), Romanian Philosophical Vocations (1995), Romanian Contributions in the Field of Logic in the 20th Century (1999), Speculative Thought – Historical-Systematic Coordinates (2000), Modern Philosophy – Fundamental Orientations (2002) ), Contemporary Philosophy (2003)), Aristotelian Theory of Prejudicial Forms (2006), Pentadic Philosophy I, The Problem of Transcendence (2007), Theory of Logical-Classical Forms (2008), Logical-Philosophical Research (2009) . For his academic and cultural work, he received a number of important awards and distinctions, including the National Order of Faithful Service at the rank of knight.

Academician Alexandru Surdu was a professor at the Faculty of Psychology at Titu Maiorescu University, being one of its founders. Based on this quality, he initiated generations of students in the field of philosophical thought and culture throughout the 30-year history of the University. It fascinated young people through a fabulous culture, through understanding and depth of knowledge, through reflective spirit, through humanistic openness to interpretation and understanding of the world and existence. Academician Alexandru Surdu was a great patriot, deeply attached to the Romanian spirit, to the Romanian feeling of being, to our identity values, to the Romanian language, culture and civilization, whose values ​​he promoted in all his work and that he cultivated among young people. He admired and valued Eminescu, Titu Maiorescu, Blaga, Motru, Noica, all the great thinkers of our culture, whom he promoted in works of great scientific value, fundamental contributions to Romanian philosophy and culture. He was a professor respected and loved by the students and by the entire faculty of the University. For Titu Maiorescu University it was a privilege and a great honor to have in its ranks the Great Professor and Academician Alexandru Surdu.

The departure of the academic Alexandru Surdu among us represents a great loss for Romanian culture and for the Titu Maiorescu University. Our university loses by leaving His Majesty a founder, a cultural and spiritual landmark, a symbol of our academicism and identity, an elite personality, a great teacher and mentor.

The Board of Directors, the University Senate and the entire Mallorcan academic community send their condolences to the grieving family! May God rest him and place him among the Righteous!
