Absolute disease registry in Bucharest. What is the explanation of the public health expert?


Bucharest recorded 352 new cases of coronavirus on Saturday, an absolute record, with more than 150 more than the previous record, which was 197 cases, also this week. Ioana Stăncel, a public health expert, blames this increase on the return of Bucharest residents from holidays, especially from the coast.

On Saturday, the highest number of new cases was recorded in Bucharest: 352, an absolute record, which far exceeds the old negative record of 197 new cases in 24 hours, also recorded this week.

Ioana Stăncel, an expert in public health, attributes this increase to the “return of people from the large tourist agglomerations, that is, from the coast. We hope that the number of people needing care and the number of serious cases will increase. “

At the same time, he says it is too early for this increase to be determined by the opening of restaurants in the interior.

“The impact of opening restaurants in the interior will be seen in 14-21 days. The relaxation during the summer was misunderstood,” explained Ioana Stăncel on Saturday, in Digi24.

He warned that the next two weeks would be difficult.

“People will return from vacation, children will return to the community. The next two weeks will be a trial period, which will coincide with the local elections, ”Ioana Stăncel also said.

The health expert believes that measures should be taken regarding the start of the school before the organization of local elections with polling stations in schools.

He also points out that parents have an important role to play at this stage, as they must supervise and guide their children to be responsible.

“Parents should understand prevention measures. Explain to children what are the measures, risks, how to put on the mask, how to wash hands. If you notice symptoms, you should not send them to school, notify the family doctor. child should be kept away from other family members until a clear diagnosis, “said Ioana Stăncel.

Publisher: BP
