A top part of Romanian medicine has died! Radu Tudor made the announcement: ‘I am deeply sorry for this loss’ – Source News


The creator of the Romanian school of gastroenterology, Alexandru Oproiu, has died! The announcement was made by journalist Radu Tudor on Facebook: “I deeply regret this loss. I only have the satisfaction of doing some memorable shows with professor #Oproiu. God rest his soul! He did very well! “

“Professor Dr. Alexandru Oproiu, director of Romanian medicine, founder of the Romanian school of gastroenterology, has died.

Searches until 2pm at Piatra Neamţ County Hospital: documents seized

He was honorary president of the Romanian Society of Gastroenterology.

He was director of the Fundeni Hospital for 22 years.

He was Secretary of State in the Ministry of Health.

He is the founder of the Medical Agenda, the publication that informs Romanians every year about the evolution of diseases and treatments. For 60 years, he has led the team that publishes this important publication.

He would have turned 90 on December 1.

Throughout his impeccable career, in more than 60 years of profession practiced with great success and dedication, he has cured hundreds of thousands of Romanians from serious and very serious gastroenterological diseases ”, the journalist also writes on his personal blog.
