A Romanian prostitute accepted € 1,000 for 3 days with an Italian DJ. A nightmare followed for her


A well-known DJ from Italy was arrested on Monday after beating and raping a Romanian prostitute, whom he kept in his apartment for three days, Corriere della Serra writes.

Francesco Cirioni, 39, is the owner of Radio Zerosei in Rome and is known internationally as DJ Franceschino. A week ago, he promised a 31-year-old Romanian 1,000 euros to spend three days at his company.

At first, Cirioni took the Romanian prostitute to a store, where she bought several pairs of shoes. The young woman’s nightmare only began when the two arrived at her home in Settebagni and lasted for three days.

The man started using drugs and bragged about his drug business. He then became violent and began to beat her, suspecting that the woman wanted to call the police.

For 72 hours, the Romanian prostitute was repeatedly beaten and raped, and after each sexual act she was locked in a room.

On Saturday night, the DJ asked him to get dressed and dress up because a friend of his was coming. “You have to be nice to him, or I will beat you,” repeated the DJ before going out by phone to the balcony to continue the conversation with his friend.

At that moment, the young woman took advantage of the DJ’s inattention to escape. She went out onto the street and stopped the first car that got in her way.

Cirioni has been arrested and is now in the Regina Coeli prison in Rome, awaiting trial. He is charged with drug trafficking, but is also being investigated for kidnapping, aggravated sexual assault and robbery.
