A new worrying balance, on the day when the number of tests was much lower. Increased infection rate in Bucharest and 12 counties


Another 2,880 people have been infected in the last 24 hours in Romania. In Bucharest and in 12 counties, the infection rate is higher than 1.5, according to official reports.

To date, on October 11, in Romania, 155,283 cases of people infected with the new coronavirus (COVID – 19) have been confirmed. 117,942 patients were declared cured.

Following nationwide testing, compared to the last report, 2,880 new cases of people infected with SARS – CoV – 2 (COVID – 19) were recorded, cases that had not previously had a positive test.

The counties where the 14-day cumulative infection coefficient, reported per 1,000 population, exceeds the 1.5 threshold are as follows:

⮚ Bucharest – 2.52

⮚ Alba – 2.26

⮚ Valcea -2.16

⮚ Iași – 1.97

⮚ Bacău – 1.89

⮚ Neamț – 1.86

⮚ Teleorman – 1.73

⮚ Sălaj – 1.79

⮚ Sibiu – 1.66

⮚ Faces-Severin – 1.64

⮚ Cluj – 1.62

⮚ Brasov – 1.52

⮚ Timiș – 1.52

Until today, 5,411 people diagnosed with COVID-19 infection died.

Between 10.10.2020 (10:00) and 11.10.2020 (10:00) it was reported 53 deaths (26 men and 27 women), of some patients infected by the new coronavirus, hospitalized in Alba, Arad, Bacău, Bihor, Bistrița-Năsăud, Botoșani, Caraș-Severin, Constanța, Dâmbovița, Dolj, Giurgiu, Harghita, Hunedoara, Iași , Maramureș, Mureș, Olt, Prahova, Sibiu, Teleorman and Bucharest.

Of these, 1 death was recorded in the age category 0-9 years, 1 death in the age group 20 to 29 years, 1 death in the age group 40 to 49 years, 4 deaths in the age group 50 to 59 years, 11 deaths in the age group 60 to 69 years, 20 deaths in the age group 70 to 79 years and 15 deaths in the category over 80 years.

51 of the registered deaths were of patients who presented comorbidities and 2 deceased patients did not present comorbidities.

In specialized health units, the total number of people hospitalized with COVID-19 is 9,112. Of these, 628 are hospitalized in ATI.

To date, 2,672,537 tests have been processed nationwide. Of these, 15,709 were carried out in the last 24 hours, 9,160 based on the definition of the case and medical protocol and 6,549 upon request.

In Romania, 13,894 people confirmed with the new coronavirus infection are isolated in their homes and 8,608 people are in institutional isolation. Additionally, 29,536 people are in home quarantine and 9 people are in institutionalized quarantine.

Publisher: GM
