A new scourge strikes us. It is worse than COVID. The “world’s amnesia” promises to be catastrophic


WHO’s director of health emergencies, Mike Ryan, warned on Monday that humanity is at risk of future pandemics if it suffers from ‘amnesia’ and does not learn from the current coronavirus crisis. “We have seen that amnesia seems to be descending on the world after a traumatic event, and that is understandable,” Ryan told a news conference in Geneva, according to Reuters.

Ryan criticizes developed states

“But if we do it again, like we did after SARS, like we did after H5N1, like we did after the H1N1 pandemic, if we continue to ignore the realities of what new and dangerous pathogens can do to our civilization. “. “Then it is likely that we will experience the same or even worse in our lives,” he raised the alarm.

Ryan also criticized developed states, explaining that they have run healthcare systems “like low-cost airlines” and that humanity is now paying the price. “In the north, due to the cost model for health systems, we have designed our health systems to be delivered at 95%, 98%, 100% efficiency. It is almost like a low cost airline model to provide health services, ”he said, according to Capital.

“Well now we are paying a price for it, we don’t have that extra capacity in the system: we see healthcare as a cost center, we see healthcare as a drain on development, it sets the economy back and we need to rethink what that means. this, “said the WHO official.

Covid-19 will not go away on its own

“We cannot negotiate with COVID-19, nor can we close our eyes and hope it will go away. The international community must rediscover the urgency of common sense. We may be tired of COVID-19, but he is not tired of us, ”said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, Director General of the World Health Organization (WHO).
