A new political reality has emerged, in which PNL and USR become forces of change for the better


President Klaus Iohannis says that the victory in the local elections is a great victory for the Romanian right and that the PSD enters the opposition. However, he added that this victory must also be confirmed in the parliamentary elections, in order to ensure a majority that adopts the necessary reforms for Romania, including the election of mayors in two electoral rounds.

“Yesterday local elections took place in Romania under very special conditions, generated by the COVID-19 epidemic. What we saw throughout Sunday in the vast majority of polling stations was an exemplary mobilization. I congratulate the authorities involved and all the members of the electoral offices who made it possible for voters to express their options in conditions of maximum security. The voting process went smoothly and here we have a new example that when the authorities act responsibly, the results are visible, ”said Klaus Iohannis.

“I especially thank all the citizens who went to the polls yesterday! Your contribution, dear Romanians, makes Romania a living and strong democracy. We had a good turnout, especially because, I repeat, we are in a health crisis. This shows that Romanian society acts with maturity and wisdom. The involvement of each one of us in the moments of greatest decision about our future is what will transform Romania into the country we want. Therefore, after the local elections, victory belongs in the first place to Romanian democracy, ”he continued.

“At the same time, it was a great victory for the right in Romania. A new political reality thus emerged, in which the National Liberal Party and the RSU become the forces of change for the better, and the Social Democratic Party enters the opposition , with one of the weakest results. It is a wave that began in the referendum on justice that we convened last year, which continued with the fall of the PSD government and then with the voting in the presidential elections, “said Iohannis.

“For the National Liberal Party, it is a historical score, the best electoral performance in the last 30 years. Congratulations, today you are the largest party in Romania, you have gained credibility through the work and responsibility with which you have assumed the management of the worst crisis that Romania is going through. The vote that the Romanians gave him yesterday also shows that successful Liberal administrations are examples of people wanting to take over as many localities as possible.

For USR-PLUS, a young team, at the beginning of the road, it is also a very good score. Congratulations, you have shown that perseverance and well-prepared projects can strengthen you as a party and assure you an important place on the political scene, ”added the head of state.

“Yesterday’s vote was in favor of seriousness in public life, of mature politicians and competent administrators. It is also a clear signal sent by citizens that only through the collaboration and in the future of the right-wing parties, Romania has the opportunity to modernize and develop. Romanians voted for a new direction, common sense, respect for the citizen, democracy. People want communities led by competent leaders, who keep their promises and take responsibility no matter how difficult it is. regardless of the circumstances, ”he said.

“The local public administration must be rebuilt on a series of fundamental pillars, such as transparency, integrity, professionalism, all placed at the service of an essential principle: the public interest. Romanians have shown that they are increasingly involved in the life of communities and more interested in participating in the decision-making process. I am very satisfied with the large number of young people participating in these elections and the increased interest they have shown in the elections. Regardless of political color, those who have earned the trust of the voters are obliged to deliver what is expected of them, that is, an efficient and efficient local public administration that guarantees and offers prosperity ”, he added.

Iohannis also said that the September 27 vote “represented a vote of guilt for the lies, misinformation, stalemate and incompetence raised over decades at the state policy level by the PSD, which yesterday they lost even where many PSD barons thought they were invincible. For Romania to modernize, the era of PSD must end once and for all. The victory of the right in local elections is particularly important, unprecedented, but it is only a stage victory. I encourage the democratic parties to continue dialogue, in order to offer Romanians confidence in the perspective of a solid and responsible government team, with solutions for the development of Romania ”.

“We have one more step to put an end to this wave of changes. Local victory must be confirmed in the December elections, when the toxic majority that seized Parliament can be stopped by the vote of the citizens to cause irreparable damage. Only then We will have all the prerequisites to allow Romania to truly modernize.

We desperately need a new credible majority to quickly impose long-awaited and needed legislative reforms. Among them is the reform of the law to ensure the re-election of mayors in two rounds. It is a fundamental step to guarantee, in the perspective of the elections of the next electoral cycle, greater legitimacy for those who will administer the cities and communes for 4 years ”, added the president.

“I congratulate all those who won seats in yesterday’s elections, but I warn you that you will not have an easy mission because the expectations of the people are very high. I urge you, therefore, to honor all your promises with honesty and responsibility to show that you are truly at the service of those who have entrusted you with the destiny of the communities in which you live.

In conclusion, I also ask the local authorities to organize the transition of power in the administrations as quickly and smoothly as possible. We are in the middle of a health crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the involvement of all factors – central and local – depends on how we manage to manage this complicated situation, “he added.

Editing: Monica Bonea
