A new census will be conducted in 2021. You will be fined if you do not participate


Image of the article A new census will be carried out in 2021. If you do not participate, you will be fined

A new census will be conducted in 2021. You will be fined if you do not participate

2021 heralds a year of great feats! And to clarify what I want to tell you, I announce that next year a new population and housing census will be organized in Romania. And attendance is mandatory. The last one took place in 2011.

The main questions about the census:

1. Who are the people who should be present?

There are three categories of people:

  • The first category includes people with Romanian citizenship, foreign or stateless, but with compulsory residence in Romania.
  • The second category are people with Romanian citizenship, domiciled in Romania, but residing in another country for a period of less than 12 months.
  • The third category includes people with Romanian citizenship who work in the diplomatic field, both in Romania and abroad. Also included here are members of the national army from around the world, Romanian citizens, members of the crews of ships, airplanes and floating platforms and the personnel of the national scientific bases.

2. What are fines?

The fines range from 1,000 to 3,000 lei.

3. What is the period in which the census will take place?

The census will take place between July and November of next year. You should also know that in the period August-September 2021 the online collection of individual records and those relating to homes, buildings and homes will be carried out.

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