A national study will begin on June 1 to determine the degree of immunization of the population to the coronavirus.


The Minister of Health, Nelu Tătaru, declared on Monday, during Government Hour, that after June 1 a study on the evaluation of collective immunity will begin, “at the national, regional and local levels”, after which it will be possible predict “future evolution in the supposed resurgence”. Autumn Winter “.

“I want to assure you of all my collaboration, but at the same time I tell you that … it is not over. If we are a little more relaxed today, it is because it is a little better, but it is not very good.” It will be a long time before we have life before COVID. (…) For a month and two weeks since I became a minister, I have spared no effort to do the right thing for the health system and for the population of Romania (…).

We are at a time when we have not gone through difficult times. We present the current situation of the number of cases, the number of deaths, the hospitals that treat COVID. We are at a time when politics should not take the place of the profession, when health must take priority. Even if the political factor has revived, let’s maintain a strictly medical relationship because the Romanian people need health, not a political dispute.

During this summer we will continue to have tests according to the real-time PCR protocols, for molecular tests, within epidemiological investigations according to the INSP protocols, which will be adapted. After June 1, depending on the evolution of the peak and the downward slope of the curve, we will begin an evaluation study at the national, regional and local level of the volunteers whose immunity will be verified. We have a margin in which we can calculate this immunity, so that we can assess Romania’s passage through the pandemic and we can predict the future evolution in the supposed autumn-winter recruitment, “declared the Minister of Health.

Collective immunity is a principle by which the spread of a disease can be controlled when the majority of the population is immunized. This requires some people to be immunized, either by vaccination or by developing antibodies after first contact with the pathogen, Hotnews writes. The percentage of the population that needs to be immunized to achieve herd immunity varies for each disease, but the basic idea is simple: if enough people are protected, they will protect vulnerable people in the community by reducing disease transmission, according to DSP Sibiu .

Publisher: I. I.
