A medical center in sector 1 gives Andreea Marin 5,000 euros a month


Iulia Marin

  • In one of the contracts signed with the television star, the institution even pays for the “photo session with the public person”.

The Caraiman Multifunctional Complex is a medical complex established in 2008, subordinated to the Sector 1 City Council and intended to treat low-income people for free.

To function in this way, the complex receives money from the local budget, the amounts are approved by the Local Council of Sector 1, based on the proposals made by the administration of the institution.

Since last summer, Andreea Marin, known for her participation in humanitarian causes, has frequently associated her image with this complex: she presented events organized by the center, gave interviews in which she spoke about the benefits that the institution offers to the inhabitants of the sector 1, a posted photos and posts on his social media accounts.

Photos posted by Andreea Marin on Instagram of the Caraiman Multifunctional Complex

However, the association between the star and the complex is paid, although the television star never announced it in the “news” that he published on Facebook.

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In total, in the last year, one of the Andreea Marin companies received approximately 300,000 lei, the equivalent of 63,000 euros, for a direct award, for various promotional services and publications on the star’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.

“It just caught our eye then. And yet it is possible!

In mid-July 2019, Andreea Marin posted a post titled “Caraiman Medical Center” on her Facebook account, along with an excerpt from a video interview by “Viva!” Magazine.

The text of the publication, not marked in any way as advertising, speaks in complimentary terms about this medical center subordinate to the City Council of Sector 1:

“While living in Sector 1, I didn’t know there was a place I recently discovered: The Caraiman Multifunctional Complex, next to the main building, was born later, the Medical Recovery Center and the Alzheimer’s Day Center, a green oasis of peace surrounds the buildings and a sense of security embraces it from the entrance, and upon entering, the wonder that such a thing exists in our country, that we are not talking about a private center, but the state, makes him say: and even , may! I will return in detail, because it is an example of good practice, a place managed by a handful of professionals who really care about people’s health and who work miracles (…) “.

Bacău County Hospital gave exclusivity to a funeral company at COVID-19 funerals. Relatives of the deceased, paid for by the employees' protective suits.


Bacău County Hospital gave exclusivity to a funeral company at COVID-19 funerals. Relatives of the deceased, paid for by the employees’ protective suits.

Post published by Andreea Marin on July 15, 2019

In the post, Andreea Marin promises to return with details of the center and attached the excerpt from the video of the interview about this project.

“So there are extraordinary things that happen there and this center, where I actually ended up by accident Believe me, I overheard it – it looks flawless, like a private hospital, and people didn’t know about this gold mine and the ability to get all medical services for free, even the dentist! ”, Declares in the interview.

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“You are received by the multitude of roses”

Andreea Marin did not stop here when associating her image with that of the center that belongs to the mayor’s office directed by Dan Tudorache.

It appears right on the front page of the website of the Caraiman Complex, filmed while walking through the courtyard of the unit, flanked by social ambulances and praising the activity of those who are there:

“We are in the heart of the Capital, in a place that I want you to know. This team cares about the health of people with the soul and with respect for the profession,” she says.

After a few seconds in which a monotonous female voice introduces us to the facilities of the center, we see Andreea Marin, this time, framed among the roses whose perfume she sips, and poetically exclaiming:

When you first enter the courtyard of this medical center, the multitude of roses greet you. You are greeted by well-groomed trees, people’s smiles: this is the team at the Caraiman Multifunctional Center. Man sanctifies the place. You are expected. Staying healthy!

This is where human history comes to an end.

The history behind the history.

On June 21, 2019, almost a month before Andreea Marin begins promoting the project on her Facebook page and in the press, the company A&C Partners, owned by her in a 95% proportion and Laura Mihuți, in a proportion of 5% received, through direct award, a contract worth 174,500 lei from the Caraiman Multifunctional Center.

According to the description in SEAP, the contract had as objective: “services to organize, present, promote the medical recovery center and the day center for people with Alzheimer’s within the Caraiman Multifunctional Complex, according to the offer presented and registered under no. 4641 / 06.20.2019 “.

It is the only public money contract concluded by this company in 2019.

According to the invitation to participate published on the cmcaraiman.ro website, the source of financing is the budget funds, and the contract is valid until December 31, 2019.

“Andreea Marin continues to assume the role of a good fairy”

On September 27, 2019, the press titled: “Andreea Marin opened a medical center with free services.”

In the article published by Click.ro, the authors write that “Andreea Marin continues to assume the role of a good fairy and helps people with special needs, often participating in humanitarian actions.”

On January 30, 2020, the center also awarded a similar contract to A&C Partners, worth 134,260 lei.

Among the requirements of the center are: “package with at least 4 shorter films to present the concept / company, organization of the event at the company headquarters, film of the event, television appearances of the organized event or interview / recording in I live on a national television station, photo session with the public person, publications on the public person’s Facebook and Instagram accounts.

According to data from the termene.ro platform, the A&C Partners company had a turnover of 178,281 lei in 2018 and a loss of 102,613 lei.

Andreea Marin: “By conviction, I exceeded my duties”

Libertatea contacted Andreea Marin to find the answer to the following questions:

  • If the star mentioned, in any of her appearances or in posts related to the Caraiman Complex, the fact that it’s a paid promotion
  • How did you come to discover this center, since you claimed it was an accident?
  • How much did the “photo shoot with the public figure” cost?
  • What are the conditions to fulfill the contract? For example, how many people should see a post?

Andreea Marin returned with an email response saying that she became involved in this story because she believed in it and considered it a good practice example. She went on to say that it was only the incident that brought her to this center:

“I found out about an old woman in the sector who was surprised at the end of her consultations to discover that… she has nothing to pay. And of course that doesn’t really happen. I am as curious about the profession as you, I was a resident of this sector for many years and did not know about the existence of this opportunity. I said to the others, I visited the center in a moment (am I the man who doesn’t believe until he sees?), I understood how it is possible (…) “.

“The retail prices of our services differ from contract to contract”

When asked why he did not bookmark, he replied that the people he collaborated with did not specifically request it.

Regarding all her appearances in the press, Andreea Marin says that “out of conviction, because I really liked this idea that I would like to see put into practice for the benefit of the people and in other counties of the country, I exceeded attributions, so to speak” .

She did not answer Libertatea’s questions regarding the price of the photo shoot, respectively, the criteria for fulfilling the contract. Instead, it claimed it required lower tariffs than usual.

“The detailed prices of our services differ from contract to contract. I must admit that where I feel that things are for the benefit of those who vibrate in my heart, I take the liberty of working with lower prices than those extracted for value. Our market was like that and in this case, we were below what we normally do. (…) There are many cases or causes that I decide to support pro-bono, some need promotion to awaken solidarity, because otherwise they cannot be solved, others I can solve myself, without help, and continue … only in myself. heart. Usually these are the ones who really have no other solution, they are on the edge and without any other support.

The head of the center: “It was just the photos of the event”

Contacted by Libertatea, Livia Gomes, head of the Caraiman Multifunctional Complex, said she did not recall having had a photo session with Andreea Marin, adding that she would look for the contract to find out.

On the other hand, he admitted that, at the inauguration of the center’s Telemedicine Service, in February, Andreea Marín “took over” the images of the event.

Andreea Marin published on Facebook, in February, a photo in which she appears alongside
Livia Gomes, head of the Caraiman Multifunctional Complex, at the inauguration of the Telemedicine Service.

“I do not know. At the moment, honestly, I do not know. I do not remember. Photo shoot? There was no photo shoot, who to do a photo shoot, her with us or us with her? They just took care of it. of the images of the event (nr: The inauguration of the center’s Telemedicine Service, since February.) There was no separate photo session. (…) We did not take each of the center’s employees, nurses or, if they are thinking of other people, to have a photo shoot with the star, “said Gomes.

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