A man died of COVID after returning from England. Doctors suspect he was infected with the new strain.


A 34-year-old man from Olt died of COVID-19 a week after returning from the UK. Doctors estimate that the man was infected with the new strain of the virus, so the samples taken from him and his contacts were sent for analysis in Bucharest.

The 34-year-old felt ill for several days after returning from England, then went to the hospital in Caracal, where doctors were surprised to find that 75% of his lungs were affected.

The COVID-19 test came back negative, so he was able to go home. After three days he felt worse, so this time he went to Slatina hospital. Here, the result was positive. He remained hospitalized, but died three days later.

The man also had comorbidities, such as obesity and lung disease.

Doctors collected evidence from the deceased and his contacts. The two people who came into contact with the deceased were also confirmed today with coronavirus.

“This is a patient from the rural area, who was represented in the Caracal Emergency Department after four days of COVID-19 symptoms. They gave him a rapid coronavirus test, which came back negative. At the same time, he underwent a lung evaluation, after which it was found that he has specific SARS-CoV-2 lesions, with a large lung damage of about 75%. Later, it was decided to transfer him to the Slatina County Emergency Hospital, where he underwent an RT-PCR test, which was positive. Regarding comorbidities, he had 2-3 degrees of obesity and mild liver failure when he was admitted to our hospital, ”Slatina County Hospital spokesperson Dr. Florin Popa told Digi FM.

Health officials sent samples to be sequenced to Bucharest to find out if it was the British coronavirus strain.

Publisher: GC
