A legendary Pro TV name, off the grid! “I was officially announced on Monday.”


In an interview with click.ro, the legendary television host and dance teacher revealed the reasons why he thinks he was pulled from Pro TV.

We remind you that Mihai Petre was one of the judges for the show Romanians Have Talent, along with Andra Măruţă, Andi Moisescu and Florin Călinescu.

Although he did not confirm this media gossip, it seems that the harsher style of judgment and some clashes with Florin Călinescu cost the famous dancer his job.

The decision of the Pro TV heavyweights is even more surprising considering that Mihai Petre was eliminated from the jury table after 9 years on the table of the program The Romanians have talent.

Strange decision made on Pro TV

The announcement of the discontinuation of the collaboration was quite strange for Mihai Petre and his fans. The former jury was in full promotion of the eleventh season.

There were some signs, the replacement confirmed, that they had learned that the show’s producers wanted to bring “a lady or a young lady.”

Finally, Alexandra Dinu, ex-wife of the current coach of the Romanian U21 team, Adrian Mutu, was announced.

The decision made at the Pake Protopopescu offices was incomprehensible to those outside the program, especially since Mihai Petre had been invited by Cătălin Măruţă to promote the new season.

Balance was desired in the jury

„Click.ro: Everyone was surprised when, last week, it was announced that you were no longer part of the jury for the program The Romanians Have Talent (PRO TV). Did you expect such a decision?

Mihai Petre: We talked about this, we were officially announced on Monday and on Friday (October 9) it was communicated. This news always takes you by surprise.

He knew a few days before that there was an intention to change the meaning of the dynamics at the jury table, bringing a lady or a young woman.

But I wasn’t sure … It’s not up to me to judge this, I just know that this was what I wanted. That was the main idea, to achieve another dynamic and establish the balance there, in the jury, ”said the renowned dancer.

Will Alexandra Dinu be better?

As for his replacement, Mihai Petre preferred to maintain the elegance that enshrined him and avoided putting labels.

In the opinion of the former jury of Romanians are talented, only the public will decide whether bringing Alexandra Dinu in her place was a beneficial decision for Pro TV audiences.

„Click.ro: Do ​​you think the rating of the show will influence your departure and the arrival of Alexandra Dinu?

Mihai Petre: I don’t know, but Romanians still have talent, it will continue to be the best entertainment program. It’s a fantastic format, a very good team there.

click.ro: But without you it won’t be the same

Mihai Petre: I can’t say that. The audience decides, I also have my fans. It remains to be seen what it will be, I’m also curious to see it.

I will be happy to watch this program, because it is a format in my soul. And the format itself, the team and the station are very dear to me. We continue to be friends with all the team members ”, it is also shown in the interview.

Pro TV connection completely broken

For those curious to know if the dance teacher will continue with Pake Protopopescu’s television in other projects, it must be said that the heads of Pro TV have decided to interrupt any collaboration.

„Click.ro: But did you stay in the Pro TV trust?

Mihai Petre: At the moment I am free of the contract and I am analyzing the options I have to continue on television, because I want to continue doing television, I think I have something to say, “he said.

Possible explanations, clear answers.

Mihai Petre rejected the idea that he would have been the toughest of the juries of talented Romanians and stressed that regardless of the project, he judges the artistic act very carefully.

„Click.ro: Do ​​you think you were the toughest jury and did something wrong? Did anyone think you were too tough on your competitors?

Mihai Petre: I don’t know what the others thought, but I can say what I think and how I feel. I’m sorry, and that’s what I’ve always set out to do, to be as honest as possible.

Freely express what I think and give the most accurate feedback in the context in which I was, in a talent show and a television program.

Always, with respect to the competitor, and always having to do it alone and only with the artistic act presented and not with the person in front of me.

That was my philosophy, I consider that I did nothing wrong, I have nothing to blame, I am 100% reconciled, because I always tried to give the most true feedback possible and help the competitor to reflect.

Otherwise, it is speculated. I can tell you how I feel and what I wanted as a jury. “

Are you going to the competition?

Once he closed the accounts with Pro TV, Mihai Petre began to see the first possibilities to continue his career on television.

Right now, the TV star revealed that she is having more discussions about projects that might be different than the ones she was involved in.

„Click.ro: It was probably an overnight decision, considering that you recently went to the Cătălin Măruță show, together with Pavel Bartoș, to promote the preselections of season 11.

Mihai Petre: I didn’t know then that a decision had been made.

click.ro: Since this decision, in the meantime, have you received any other show offers?

Mihai Petre: We had several discussions. I still can’t talk about it, there are discussions and plans.

click.ro: You have an audience that wants you on television.

Mihai Petre: Yes, and I want to go back and I am convinced that I will return at some point, but it is a period in which I simply analyze opportunities that I can successfully seize and that are convenient for me, because it is not like that. simple.

click.ro: Do ​​you see yourself on a new TV show? A dance one?

Mihai Petre: I think from my experience, I am quite versatile to do more roles. Dancing is my passion, but for now there is no such show in our country ”, shows click.ro.
