A Focsani nurse, infected with coronavirus, SCANDALIZED: ‘It is sad what is happening, mockery …! An abuse of power and unconsciousness’ – Source News


A nurse from the Focşani County Hospital, diagnosed with COVID-19 and hospitalized in the Department of Infectious Diseases, says that transferring Vrancea patients to the Brăila and Buzău hospitals is “an abuse of power and unconsciousness”, as patients have the right to and choose a doctor to treat them. In addition, the nurse complains of “unwarranted errors”, such as loss of control tests, announces news.ro.

In a Facebook post, a coronavirus-infected Focsani County Hospital nurse comments on the authorities’ decision Friday to order the transfer of patients from Vrancea to hospitals in Brăila and Buzău.

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“It is sad what is happening, mockery … !!! From the Prefecture, the Ministry of Health, all the authorities involved in the fight against this pandemic! Even if it is a state of emergency, even if some institutions are out of date, we cannot violate the rights of the patient, which is why it says that any patient can choose their doctor and the medical unit where to receive treatment … !! What is happening to patients in the Contagious section of the County Hospital Focsani, many of them medical personnel, our colleagues, who had to be transferred to other hospitals in other counties, is noisy, it is abuse of power, it is incompetence, “writes the medical staff.

The assistant reveals in the same publication that in his case important errors were made, including the loss of evidence for the detection of coronavirus: “If in my case unjustified errors were made (abusive hospitalization in the Contagious section, I am asymptomatic at the time of hospitalization, loss of evidence in the control tests carried out by DSP, the lack of communication of the results even today, the issuance of an epidemiological opinion without a medical initial), now the revolt and pain in my soul are too great .. And I am convinced that, unfortunately, it will continue to be so …! “

Finally, the medical staff asks the Vrancea prefect, who requested that 50 Adjud and Focşani patients, including the medical staff, be sent to hospitals in Rm. Sărat and Brăila to stay in the hospital for an hour.

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“I invite the prefect to stay an hour at Contagious and see what it means to treat a patient infected with Covid-19! What a pity and a shame!” The nurse also wrote.

The order to transfer the 50 Adjud and Focşani patients was canceled on Friday at noon, after the revolt of the patients who asked to be treated in Vrancea County.

Since no one informed the manager of the hospital in Adjud, he ordered the transfer, and 16 patients from this hospital were sent to the hospital in Râmnicu Sărat.
