A doctor’s stern message to the nationalists: his deaf ears sit on fanatical pillows and open only for bitmans and other sinister conspirators


“He sat half a doctor, on the brink of the pandemic, breaking denialist seeds,” says Dr. Costin Duţu, accusing the deniers of leading to the filling of hospitals. “Now he is scrutinizing his telephone books in search of a future bed for the disease,” says the doctor, but draws everyone’s attention to the fact that it is not the bed that treats them, but the doctors.

Central University Hospital of Military Emergencies „Dr. Carol Davila “published, on Saturday, December 12, on the official Facebook page, the message signed by the military doctor Costin Dutu, primary doctor in general surgery, competition in oncological surgery, competition in laparoscopic surgery, doctor in medical sciences.

The message is titled “Doctors, from exhaustion to exhaustion”.

“Ask doctors for communication. For 9 months, the medical guild also explained the danger of covid in the sense of an amoeba. Nonsense. Your deaf ears sit on fanatical pillows and open only to bitmans and other sinister conspirators. You ask for empathy. How much empathy is there in a crowd that for “spiritual” reasons gives the elbows and steps on their feet shouting “DOWN THE DOCTORS” because, blasphemy! Do you have to wear a mask? You ask them for competence. How competent is it in their posts that deny the virus on the grounds that it cannot be seen or touched? Have you tried the same with electricity? The Internet, like history, justifies anything. But beware, history pays for its mistakes. Ask the doctors what it does not have, “wrote the doctor on Facebook.

He accuses the deniers of filling hospitals.

“You sat on the brink of the pandemic, crushing denialist seeds on the heads of anesthesiologists, infectious disease patients and paramedics who had long passed the threshold of exhaustion. Take the pseudosavant out of the cigarette next to the oxygen-poor tubes and fill the therapies with your lies, ”the military doctor also wrote.

He also reviewed criticism directed at doctors since the start of the pandemic:

“You yelled at them in March to let go of fear and be damn heroes to save the world, that’s why they get paid.

He accused them in April of not wearing overalls because they don’t have pockets for paychecks.

You told him in May that they were taking money from the EU (!) To declare covid to fake patients.

You’ve been making fun of them all summer on the edge of pools because they sit in covid hospitals where the wind blows even though they melt in the jumpsuit.

Now a 48-year-old doctor has literally burned himself out trying to protect too many of his patients, God, too many. You, the collective unconscious of the “nuexistăcovid”, are now silent and scrutinizing your phone books after a future bed for non-existent disease. That it is not known how the wind blows with ARN and, anyway, the admission sheet does not include (until ???) the Facebook profile. But it is not the bed that treats them, the hackers, but these cowards in white fleeing responsibility directly into the flames, ”the doctor also wrote, referring to the ATI Nemţ doctor, injured while trying to save his patients in the fire. in the ATI section of Neamţ County Hospital.

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