A difficult period is approaching, I trust the effort of each one of you


The Interior Minister, Marcel Vela, declared on Monday, during the press conference in which he announced Military Ordinance no. 11, that a “difficult period” is approaching, which must be managed with the same care, because “it is a shame to ruin what we have achieved for two months.”

Marcel Vela, Minister of the Interior: I would like to thank each of you for the effort you have made, so that in these two months we are responsible, prudent and take care of our health and that of our loved ones.

I know it was not easy, I know that you have been patient and that you have made efforts to protect yourself, your loved ones and to take care of those around you.

Now we must send godly thought and condolences to those who lost their loved ones. But at the same time we should be glad that many Romanians are among us today and enjoying life because of you.

Each of you was a hero, whether you were front-line doctors and rescued people, whether you were in law enforcement and protecting citizens and property, whether you suffered in quarantine areas or were isolated, or worked in a bakery and You made your daily bread, or you drove a public transport bus, or you worked hard at work.

Each of you is a hero and together we managed to make Romania today at an epidemiological level appreciated at the level of the European Union, compared to other states that started from the same level with us, in late February.

A difficult period is approaching, we have to handle it with the same care, because it is a shame to ruin what we have achieved in these two months.

They were also the heroes of their grandparents and parents, who stayed home and explained to their children and grandchildren why they should stay, be careful with an unknown illness, not enjoy the sun or not go on vacation on May 1. big. Or some of you have suffered from not going to church or other places where you felt good and enjoyed those around you.

We must analyze all these efforts to weigh them and decide together that we must be extremely vigilant, extremely responsible and calm, because this virus does not break, does not rest and does not go on vacation.

I trust in the effort of each one of you so that we continue taking care of the health of our loved ones and the health of all.

We are all founders of an important page in the history of Romania.

Thank you all for this, for your effort, for your dedication and patriotism.

God bless Romania! Well good health!

Web editor: Liviu Cojan
