A COVID patient committed suicide in the bathroom of the Bistriţa Emergency Hospital


A 55-year-old woman, hospitalized with COVID at Bistriţa County Emergency Hospital, committed suicide in a bathroom on the fourth floor of the unit, according to a hospital news release.

“An unfortunate event occurred this morning in the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Bistriţa County Emergency Hospital. 55-year-old Beclean patient, hospitalized in room No. 30 of the ward, on the fourth floor of the unit, committed suicide tonight in the bathroom. The woman was hospitalized on November 23 with a medium form of infection by the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the Department of Infectious Diseases, slightly improving the evolution of her health during hospitalization, in the context of medication antiviral, antibiotic, anti-inflammatory and symptomatic. There are no indications that the patient has problems in the psychiatric field ”, is mentioned in the statement.

The patient was found unconscious by the nurse, around 04.00 hours. Doctors were called urgently but could not resuscitate her.

According to the statement from the Bistriţa County Emergency Hospital, the woman’s body had two stab wounds, one on the right laterocervical and the other on the left hemithorax, in the submammary area.

The police have opened an investigation to determine exactly the circumstances in which the woman’s death occurred, and an autopsy was ordered.
