A county in Romania escaped the COVID-19 virus. The last patients were declared cured.


There are no more people infected with the COVID-19 virus in Brăila county. The announcement was made Saturday by the county prefect, Cătălin Boboc. The last three patients have been declared cured, and there are no more infected patients in Brăila hospitals. Contacted by the MEDIAFAX correspondent, the prefect said that since the beginning of the epidemic in the county, only 22 cases have been reported, all cured later, due to administrative and medical measures.

“I tell you our secret: the police agencies agreed to be intolerant, the rules were followed, so there was no pressure on the medical system.” The doctors managed brilliantly. In Brăila, since the beginning of the crisis, we have had 22 patients. This is due to administrative measures. And the fact that all the patients have been cured means that the doctors did their job, “explained Brăila County Prefect Cătălin Boboc.

The area reached the first place in the country in terms of the small number of infections with little luck and a lot of organization, explained for MEDIAFAX, the mayor of Brăila, Marian Dragomir.

“I was also a little lucky, but I did things right, I followed the rules.” Since the virus became known, we have banned all visits from relatives in nursing homes. Last week, only three people got sick, none this week, “Brăila Mayor Marian Dragomir told MEDIAFAX.

Regarding the number of tests for the virus, authorities say about 1,000 tests were conducted in the county.

“In Brăila, absolutely all the necessary tests were carried out, this is the answer I give every time they ask me. I did a thousand tests. Some say there are few, but where are the sick? All those who asked for the help of the doctors received it, “said Brăila County Prefect Cătălin Boboc.

Brăila County has almost 400,000 inhabitants, most of them in the city of the Danube.

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