A club in the play-off runs out of a coach: “It’s natural to leave!”


Edi Iordănescu’s contract with Methane gas It expires at the end of the current season, and the coach who led the Mediaș team for the first time in the play-off reveals he is considering leaving, even if he hasn’t been negotiating with another club lately.

Edi Iordănescu leaves Gaz Metan

There are no rumors that I’m leaving Mediaș, I haven’t negotiated with anyone lately. In the past, yes, there were some problems, but I preferred to end my contract.

It is natural to leave, on June 30 the contract officially ends and at the end of the road it is normal for a coach to draw the line, see what he has achieved and choose what is best for him.

I say I did a good job at Mediaș, I rated the team in the playoffs, a unique performance for the club“Said Edi Iordănescu, in the Digbal Sport Fotbal Club program.

Edi Iordănescu has been training Gaz Metan since December 2019 and, despite financial problems at the club, still insolvent, he finished the current regular season in League 1 in fifth place, leading to the first qualification in the play-off in the history of the team.

The 41-year-old coach was close to leaving Mediaș in January, when he was wanted by the University of Craiova, after the departure of Victor Pițurcă.

Tags: edi iordanescu , Play-off league 1 , change coach league 1 , Methane Gas Trainer Averages
