
Windows 10 promotions

Windows 10 it annoys its users around the world again with a very bad decision that it has made and that it imposes on everyone, without any of the people being able to do anything. Specifically, Windows 10 has reappeared for Microsoft Edge ads when users want to use Google, Chrome, Firefox or Opera, competing browsers, and much better than what Redmond currently has.

Windows 10 It shows ads for Microsoft Edge when users of the operating system search through the start menu for any of the Google Chrome, Firefox or Opera browsers. You can see below what the ad Windows 10 shows when users want to use one of the competing browsers for Microsoft Edge, and of course some people are upset by the decision the company made.

Windows 10: Microsoft angers people with a bad decision

Windows 10 google chrome promotions

Windows 10 It is not the first such situation, Microsoft in the past made similar gestures to promote its browser that nobody wants because it is not so good. Even the Google Chrome-based version of Microsoft Edge is not wanted by people, and Microsoft is trying everything in Windows 10 to convince people to try their browser right now, but all it has managed to do is annoy even more on everybody.

Windows 10 Graphic ads can only be searched in these three browsers through the Start menu, which is also normal, since they are the most popular of all those that exist. It would be interesting to see how many people could persuade Microsoft to test their Windows 10 browser through these methods, but we will probably never find out, the American company generally avoids providing us with that information. .

Windows 10 The May 2020 update will be released this month for all PCs around the world, and this change could be among the news that Microsoft will offer us, unfortunately.
