Raed Arafat, on the danger that children represent – They can become a transmission vector – News from sources


The head of the Emergency Department, Raed Arafat, says that the decision is that schools reopen in September, but that no sick child will enter school and that fever should be a reason for the student not to be sent to the school. That day, she also said that in schools with a larger number of students, breaks may be separated so that not all students leave at the same time.

Raed Arafat said Sunday on Digi 24 that it was now very difficult to socially distance himself from school.

“It is very difficult in a school to get away, take classes and keep children on breaks, because you cannot just keep them in class, without a break, with nothing, not to interact. It is enough that one of them is asymptomatic positive and have the whole class take her home. Or be positive asymptomatic because someone from home is positive and go and take her to the teacher, “said Arafat, according to news.ro.

When asked if it is certain that the schools will open in September, the DSU chief said: “Right now, this is the decision. Other countries have said that the school will resume in September. If we see that something is changing with the virus, this is analyzed around the date. But right now, this is the date, this is the decision, the decision of September 15, I think this is the official opening date of the schools, so the school will open. Now it’s too risky at this stage and it’s not just my opinion, it’s everyone’s opinion. “

Arafat specified that both nurseries and after-schools are in the school situation and cannot be reopened at this time.

The head of the Emergency Department said what the school should be like in September.

“Access to permanent soap and water for children, health education in the sense of hygiene for all children. Any sick child does not go to school, any sick child who went to school is sent home or to the doctor, depending on the situation, fever should be an automatic reason for not sending the child to school that day. Maybe we should think that schools with a lot of children should be separated by their breaks, that not everyone should go out on a break at the same time, I don’t know what the system is like, but these are common sense things about distance and control of spread. Arafat said.

He says maybe students should wear masks at a certain age

“I think at least from a certain age you will have to do it, but a certain age can be very difficult to do. Perhaps you can get used to them faster than adults,” said the DSU chief.

The government has decided not to open schools this school year. Teachers give online lessons, and students in final grades will be tested remotely. Student associations have announced that they will file a complaint with the CNCD, alleging that students without internet access are denied the right to education.
