What will happen if the coronavirus vaccine is not discovered?


Ciprian Iana,

This begs the question: what will happen in the world if a coronavirus vaccine is never discovered? This would not be the first time this has happened.

According to experts, if a vaccine against COVID-19 is not discovered, the virus could remain in us for many years. “It is no longer a death sentence, as it was in the 1980s,” scientists say.

Many experts take this possibility very seriously, because
It has happened before. Sometimes even. “There are some viruses that we still don’t have vaccines against,” says Dr. David Nabarro, professor of global health at Imperial College London, who also serves as special envoy for the World Health Organization at COVID-19.

When vaccines don’t work

In 1984, the then-United States Secretary of Health Margaret Heckler announced at a press conference that scientists had successfully identified the virus, which later became known as HIV, and predicted that a preventive vaccine would be ready. to test in two years.

Almost four decades later and after 32 million deaths, people are still waiting for the HIV vaccine.

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But there were other diseases that confused scientists. According to the WHO, an effective dengue vaccine, which infects up to 400,000 people a year, has worried doctors for decades. In 2017, a large-scale effort to find one was halted after it was discovered to aggravate the symptoms of the disease.

“There are high hopes, and then they are low. We are dealing with biological systems, we are not dealing with mechanical systems. It really depends a lot on how the body reacts,” said Dr. David Nabarro.

Experts continue to trust

However, most experts remain confident that a COVID-19 vaccine will eventually be developed; in part because, unlike previous diseases like HIV and malaria, the coronavirus does not undergo rapid mutations.

After not wanting to be hospitalized, the manager of the Tg Emergency Hospital. Jiu was brought into solitary confinement. A week ago, he demanded that COVID-19 patients not be admitted to his hospital.


After not wanting to be hospitalized, the manager of the Tg Emergency Hospital. Jiu was brought into solitary confinement. A week ago, he demanded that COVID-19 patients not be admitted to his hospital.

According to the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of EE. In the US, Dr. Anthony Fauci, the discovery of a vaccine could occur in a year to 18 months.

Other figures in the field, such as England’s chief physician Chris Whitty, suggest that the one-year deadline may be too optimistic. But even if a vaccine is to be developed, ending it in any of those time frames would not be an obstacle.

“We never accelerated testing of a vaccine from one year to 18 months,” said Dr. Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston.

“It doesn’t mean it’s impossible, but it will be a heroic achievement.” We need Plan A and Plan B, “said Peter Hotez.

Scientists are considering Remdesivir, a treatment for Ebola, as a possible remedy for COVID-19, and some studies have had encouraging results. Blood plasma treatments are also under investigation.

Although he knew he was positive for COVID-19, the hospital manager in Tg. Jiu rejected the admission. He confirmed to Libertatea that he is not in the hospital: “I am at home. Since Thursday it's like


Although he knew he was positive for COVID-19, the hospital manager in Tg. Jiu rejected the admission. He confirmed to Libertatea that he is not in the hospital: “I am at home. Since Thursday it’s like “

If treatment for COVID-19 is delayed, companies can learn to live with the new coronavirus. Cities would slowly open up and restraining orders would disappear, but in stages, if experts’ recommendations were followed.

It is absolutely essential that all societies everywhere reach a position where they can defend themselves against the coronavirus as a constant threat and can continue their social life and economic activity with the virus in our midst.

Dr. David Nabarro, for CNN:

Testing and physical surveillance will also become part of our lives in the short term, but in many countries, a sudden quarantine could occur anytime when the epidemic breaks out again.

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“Don’t try to buy Remdesivir online,” warns Alexandru Rafila

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