A woman boiled stones for her children, waiting for them to fall asleep while they waited to eat.


The impressive story of a Kenyan woman has spread across the country and has led to an unprecedented effort among the country’s citizens to help her, reports the BBC. Peninah Bahati Kitsao pretended to cook for her hungry children, with only stones in the bowl, waiting for them to fall asleep while waiting for the “table” to arrive.Be prepared

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The woman, who lives in Mombasa, set the stones on fire to make her children think she was going to set the table so they would stop crying and calm them down. She lost all sources of income due to restrictions and social distancing and had nothing to feed her eight children. Kitsao, who worked as a laundress in her town, lost her job due to restrictions and social distancing measures.

One of his neighbors, surprised by the woman’s story, alerted the press to her torture. After being interviewed by a Kenyan television station, the widow received money from hundreds of Kenyans who were impressed by the story of her and her family.

Kitsao, who cannot read or write and who lives in a house without running water and electricity, described the generosity of his fellow citizens as a miracle.

“I didn’t think Kenyans could be so loving.” I received phone calls from all over the country, people asked me how I could help, “he told a local news site. He also said that his tactics could not fool his eight children for long.

“They told me that I knew I was lying to them, but that I couldn’t do anything because I had nothing to give them,” Kitsao said.

As part of measures to help the most vulnerable in the current crisis, the Kenyan government has launched a feeding program. Government measures have not yet reached Kitsao, whose husband was killed last year.
