Diana Șoșoacă, George Simion, Claudiu Târziu and 5 others, fines of 15,000 lei each, after Monday’s protest


Diana Șoșoacă, George Simion and Claudiu Târziu will be fined 15,000 lei each, following Monday’s protest in Bucharest, Digi24 sources say. Along with them, 5 other people who participated in the demonstration in the Capital will be fined 15,000 lei each.

In recent days, thousands of people have taken to the streets of Bucharest and the main cities of the country. The protesters are against the obligation to wear a mask and against the restrictions imposed by the authorities.

On Wednesday, for the fourth night in a row, several hundred people gathered at the University Square of Bucharest, after which they marched along the University – Calea Moşilor – Ştefan cel Mare Boulevard – Victoriei Square route, where they met with a smaller group of protesters, in front of the Government headquarters.

George Simion: “We don’t organize, but we participate”

George Simion tell that the perpetrators of the violence of these protests must be held accountable, adding that AUR members will participate in protests across the country depending on their own decision.

Simion specified that the members of AUR assume to participate in the proteststogether with the Romanians, and claims that it was not the party he leads that organized these protests, but the “simple Romanians”.

“I participated, the AUR members will continue to participate in protests throughout the country, depending on their own decision, it is the option to fight for freedom. We promised to be with the Romanians in these protests, we did not organize, but we participated. (…) Romanians have the right to take to the streets, it is their protest, it is the protest of ordinary Romanians.Simion added.

But from their announcements posted on Facebook, this is exactly what is understood: George Simion and AUR called on the world to protest on Monday, at 5:00 p.m., in front of the prefectures, for to stop the madness and to to recover our country. His posts garnered tens of thousands of reviews and distributions.

Bode, on the presence of the GOLD parliamentarians in the MIA: “Not everyone comes here when they want, it is not a town without dogs.” George Simion Response

Asked what he thinks the presence of parliamentarians in the protestsThe Minister of the Interior, Lucian Bode, declared that it is normal for them to have dissatisfaction and can express it on the street, like any other citizen, as long as they do not use their functions illegally. Bode also responded to the question regarding the GOLD members’ request to attend a meeting at the Ministry of the Interior. He specified that “it is NOT a town without dogs so that everyone can come whenever they want.”

This government is a people without dogs in which the right does not know what the left is doing. They do not respect the measures, but they ask the Romanians to respect them, ”said George Simion.

The gendarmes attacked with stones in Unirii Square on Monday after midnight. Tear gas was used

DAfter the end of the protest, 50-60 protesters they started throwing stones and bottles at the gendarmes, in Unirii Square in Bucharest. The forces of order used tear gas. A gendarme was injured.

Publisher: Liviu Cojan
