“De ORO” / “I intend to throw her in a gas chamber, in an oven where I will burn her and her dirty children”


Unspeakable threats that were sent to actress Maia Morgenstern, after she made statements about anti-Semites. It is an email, which was signed: “From the GOLD party.”

The message of extreme virulence did not reach the actress directly, being sent by an “Anderei Illarie” in all the official email addresses of the State Jewish Theater.

Maia Morgenstern posted everything on her Facebook account. “This is what I receive on the Feast of Passover (the great Jewish religious holiday). On the occasion of Theater Day ”, he limited himself to writing.

Maia Morgenstern recently reported on her Facebook page that during a meeting attended by directors of theaters and cultural institutions, she witnessed a moment when a person spoke an anti-Semitic response.

Specifically, I was officially invited to a meeting of directors of theaters and public cultural institutions, under the motto: The voice of the Bucharest high school theater. Big deal, officials. Important topics on the agenda. I’ll be there a few minutes before. Directors, counselors, representatives … I walk smiling at my older colleagues, to greet them, to greet them. And this is what my ears hear: “Let’s do it like this, Jew” – Wow, I am not allowed to write that word (because it deletes my FaceBook publication), only the pronunciation is allowed… I was paralyzed. What did you say? The answer came fast and relaxed: “Come on, don’t be angry anymore. I joked like this… “No, I can’t help but be upset! Not when cultural people pronounce it. Not when pronounced on an official stage. And no one seemed upset. Apart from me, because I usually felt out of place because I was hit by a borderless disgust. No. I don’t accept! Is seriously. It’s ugly. I’m hurt. I tremble, ”Maia Morgerstern wrote.

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AUR President resigns and condemns the threats sent to actress Maia Morgenstern: Degrading, anti-Semitic and suburban attack on Ms. Maia Morgenstern, an artist emeritus and loved by Romanians around the world.

Photo source: Facebook
