Voiculescu: Doctors from other specialties can treat patients with Covid-19, without being responsible for possible injuries – Health


The Minister of Health, Vlad Voiculescu, declared this Thursday that during the alert the state doctors of other specialties that are not infectious diseases or ATI will be able to treat patients with Covid-19, in compliance with medical protocols, without being responsible for the damages caused in the practice of profession, informs Agerpres. The decision was made by the Government, through the emergency ordinance that modifies the Health Law, specified Voiculescu.

“I have said it many times. In the public space we talk about ATI beds, about the need to increase capacity in ATI. We talk about beds as if we were talking about furniture. The main limitation is human resources. And then we talk about tired doctors, nurses and all those who contribute, we talk about limitations, which today we eliminate, given the law, a law that makes doctors in certain specialties fear the possible consequences of something they want to do like this: assist in intensive care units or where patients with Covid-19 are treated. Today, through an emergency ordinance that modifies Law 95, Health Law, it was established that, during the alert state, medical specialties other than infectious diseases, ATI-sti, can come to the aid of their colleagues, in compliance with medical practice. protocols. which are approved by order of the Ministry of Health, “announced Vlad Voiculescu, Thursday night, after the re government union.

He explained that if doctors follow these protocols, they cannot be held accountable.

Therefore, we establish that the respective doctors are not responsible for the damages caused in the exercise of the profession carried out in the conditions of compliance with the protocols. If medical protocols are followed, we are not afraid of the consequences, “added Voiculescu.

He said, answering questions on the subject, that it is a good solution used by several states and it is only “a legalization, in the current legislation, of a normality.”

“It just came to our knowledge then. It is the solution that many other states have used, it is the solution in Italy, it is the solution in France, it is the same solution applied everywhere. The doctor is someone who has graduated from university. , he has a history and if he follows a protocol, things must be very clear. We must, yes, as a society, if we ask someone to help us and respect – I repeat – all the standards, all the protocols, so that the patient’s life not be … or the life, health, well-being of the patient is never in danger, then, obviously, things should be as clear as possible for that doctor, “explained Voiculescu.

When asked if a psychiatrist or orthopedist can treat a patient in intensive care, the Minister of Health replied: “If you have the necessary training, you can be accompanied by a specialist who supports you and follows the protocol, then you are safe.” .

The Secretary of State, Andreea Moldovan, explained, in turn, that this decision brings extra peace of mind to the doctors who work there.

“My opinion is that it is something that finally brings normality to what is happening in the medical system and brings more peace of mind to the doctors who work there. Of course, specialties that do not have intensive care skills, that is, are not emergency physicians or do not have intensive care skills, will not be able to work in such units when intensive care personnel are available. But doctors from other specialties … can treat patients with mild or moderate forms of the disease, or they can work very well with the other specialties that treat these patients. Furthermore, in the training curriculum of an internist, allergist, immunologist, geriatrician, I don’t know what other specialties come to mind, there are chapters for the treatment of acute, viral, bacterial and other aetiologies ”, added Moldava.

He specified that it is not about the participation of dentists.

The Health Minister also said that the government is obliged to take certain measures and that the pandemic is “more than a disease.”

“I would like to send a message. I think everyone is tired and I would start with the doctors and health workers as well as the students, teachers, restaurant owners, all those who are affected in one way or another by this pandemic. Whether it is affected by disease or other things, by certain measures that the Government is obliged to take. I think this situation is often misjudged, because we think of this pandemic as a disease. A pandemic is more than a disease, because, beyond those who are directly affected and who are now in hospital, connected to oxygen or receiving hospital care or of any kind, the pandemic affects many people, “said Voiculescu.
