Surveys across the country. 89 people died after being vaccinated against vaccines, due to the diseases they suffered


More than 854,000 Romanians have so far received the two doses of anticovid serum. However, 89 people died after the vaccination, Valeriu Gheorghiță said.

But experts point out that without greater compliance with other protective measures, we will not return to normal life anytime soon.

In addition, doctors urge people not to ignore the symptoms of the disease, which can occur after vaccination.

Of the 89 people who died, some had been vaccinated with one dose, others with both. The coordinator of the National Vaccination Campaign, Valeriu Ghorghiță, explained the figures, according to

“We have these detailed analyzes carried out by our colleagues at the Institute of Public Health. (…) Since the start of the vaccination campaign, from December 27 to today, more than 299,000 people have been diagnosed with COVID-19, it is In other words, almost 300,000 people, with a daily average of about 3,400 COVID-19 cases. The number of deaths registered in the same period of time, in these cases, was about 7,471, practically with a daily average of 85 deaths, from the start of the vaccination campaign. Of all these deaths, 7,471, 89 were in people diagnosed with COVID and who had a recent vaccination history. Looking at these cases, 89 deaths, 77 were people who had only been administered one dose, and the time from the first dose to the diagnosis of COVID was 12 days, so that practically the diagnosis was established before the 14 days in which the antibodies begin to appear, the protective immune response. The other 12 cases were in people who had received both doses, and the average time from the second dose to the diagnosis of COVID was practically 10 days before the maximum post-vaccination benefits appeared. “ Gheorghiţă explained.

He noted that the average age of the deceased was 72 years and also all had comorbidities.

However, if we look at and analyze the fatality rate in people who were diagnosed with COVID who were vaccinated, respectively those who were not vaccinated, practically among those who were diagnosed with COVID and who were not vaccinated, the fatality rate was 2 , 4%, practically more than two out of every hundred people diagnosed with COVID died and, on the other hand, looking at the fatality rate in people who were diagnosed with COVID and had been vaccinated, this fatality rate is 0.02 %, that is, two people out of 10,000. So the benefits of vaccination are indisputable. Unfortunately, of course, we cannot talk about 100% protection. There are cases and they have been mentioned before, around 5% of the population of any country does not develop a protective immune response neither after the natural disease nor after vaccination ”, added Valeriu Gheorghiţă.

He reiterated that vaccinating a person during the incubation period of the virus or with an asymptomatic infection does not influence the course of the disease.

On the other hand, several investigations are open throughout the country to determine if there is a link between the administration of the vaccine and the death of some people.

The case of the young man who died on dialysis

The young man had been on dialysis for 22 years, and in late 2020 he also suffered a covid infection. On Friday, a few hours after coming home from dialysis, she began to feel bad. He had withdrawn the vaccine for the vaccine the same day.

Mother: ”When he got home on Friday, he said he wasn’t feeling as good as he had at first. It started with the temperature. 37 with 8”.

Doctors who treated him say the young man died of complications from kidney disease.

Dra. Lelia Croitoru, Vaslui Emergency Hospital: “The ionogram showed 7 ml per liter of potassium, which explains the alteration of the rhythm for which the stop was installed. We do not consider it an adverse reaction to the vaccination, but rather a consequence of the complications of your kidney disease.

However, the family requested an investigation. There are more than 80 people who died within days of the anticovid injection, either after the first or second dose. However, experts say there is no connection and that the deaths were caused by other health problems they had before vaccination.

Valeriu Gheorghiță: “These possible situations are chance events, but each case is analyzed and investigated correctly so that there are no doubts. When in doubt, it should also be analyzed from a pathological point of view.”.

Of the more than 1.8 million people vaccinated, about 9,000 side effects have been reported to date.
Especially fever, headache, hives, allergies, myalgias or arthralgias. Followed by local reactions with pain at the injection site. Only one case with severe reaction was recorded.

Dr. Brîndșa Petruțescu, Immunologist: “Its purpose is to trigger the immune response, with the production of antibodies. Joint pain, fever, chills, normal reactions that should not worry us. But respiratory symptoms will not occur because the respiratory mucosa is not involved in the entry of the vaccine into the body. If there is cough, sneezing, nasal congestion, lack of smell, we can already think that we have the disease.”.

Vaccination and compliance with other protection measures remain, together, the weapons to combat the pandemic.

More than 22,000 Romanians died due to covid

The devastating picture now includes 22,579 people killed by the virus. 137 only in the last 24 hours.

And the number of people in serious condition in ATI has reached 1,351. Doctors note that there are still patients who ignore the signs of the disease and arrive at the hospital when it is already too late or worse, they do not receive medical attention.

This is the case of a retired family from Galați. Although she had covid symptoms, the 61-year-old woman refused to go to a health unit because she was caring for her husband immobilized in bed. It wasn’t until a few days later that he called an ambulance.

He had a fever but did not want to go to the hospital. The next day, the woman found herself out of breath and her husband in serious condition.

PCR tests showed that both spouses were infected with SARS-VOC-2.

Dr. Ionut Băneșanu, Galați Emergency Clinical Hospital: “The recommendation is unanimous: when you feel bad, call the single service 112. Ambulance. It can make the condition worse, especially in patients who have comorbidities.”.

Since the beginning of the pandemic, 913,143 people have been infected with SARS-VOC-2.
