Mirel Rădoi’s plan to sit on the bench in the North Macedonia match. Why will he wake up at 5:00 on game day?


  • League 2: Metaloglobus – Fast, Sunday, 15:00, Digi Sport 1

  • Digi Sport Special, Wednesday, 21:30, Digi Sport 1

The coach of Romania, who so far Communicated via Skype with the tricolor., you are waiting tonight for the result of another test you did a few hours earlier.

Mirel Rădoi’s plan to sit on the bench in the North Macedonia match. The expected response just before the game.

If you receive the desired answer, and it will be negative, then tomorrow morning, most likely at 05:00 or 06:00, there will be another, according to Digi Sport sources.

Rădoi will wake up very early so that there is time for the new test to be processed so that the result appears before the start time of the match in the National Arena. If tomorrow’s test is negative, then Mirel Rădoi can receive FIFA’s endorsement to sit on the bench, based on the two tests in a row, both negative.

However, keep in mind that such a scenario seems difficult to achieve at the moment, because so far Rădoi has only tested positive.

Romanian team for the matches with North Macedonia, Germany and Armenia:

  • goalkeeper: Florin Niță, Florin Iacob, Ionuţ Radu, David Lazar;
  • defending: Vasile Mogoș, Ionuț Nedelcearu, Alin Toșca, Vlad Chiricheș, Andrei Burcă, Mario Camora, Ovidiu Popescu, Nicușor Bancu;
  • midfielders: Răzvan Marin, Alexandru Creţu, Nicolae Stanciu, Ianis Hagi, Alexandru Maxim, Erik Bicfalvi, Valentin Mihăilă, Dennis Man, Florin Tănase, Florinel Coman, Alexandru Cicâldău;
  • FORWARD: Claudiu Keșeru, George Pușcaș.

Another 5 footballers are on the reserve list, to be called if there are medical problems for those who have to report to the Mogoşoaia base on Sunday: Valentin Cojocaru, Cristian Manea, Adrian Păun, Alexandru Mateiu, Andrei Ivan.

Romania’s program in the preliminaries of the Qatar World Cup 2022

March 25, 2021

  • now 21:45 – ROMANIA – North Macedonia, Germany – Iceland, Liechtenstein – Armenia

March 28, 2021

  • 19:00 – Armenia – Iceland
  • now 21:45 – ROMANIA – Germania, North Macedonia – Liechtenstein

March 31, 2021

  • 19:00 – Armenia – ROMANIA
  • 21:45 – Germany v North Macedonia, Liechtenstein v Iceland

September 2, 2021

  • time 21:45 – Iceland – ROMANIA, Liechtenstein – Germania, North Macedonia – Armenia

September 5, 2021

  • 19:00 – Iceland – North Macedonia
  • now 21:45 – ROMANIA – Liechtenstein, Germany – Armenia

September 8, 2021

  • 19:00 – Armenia – Liechtenstein
  • 21:45 – North Macedonia – ROMANIA, Iceland – Germany

October 8, 2021

  • time 21:45 – Germany – ROMANIA, Iceland – Armenia, Liechtenstein – North Macedonia

October 11, 2021

  • now 21:45 – ROMANIA – Armenia, Iceland – Liechtenstein, North Macedonia – Germany

November 11, 2021

  • 19:00 – Armenia – North Macedonia
  • now 21:45 – ROMANIA – Iceland, Germany – Liechtenstein

November 14, 2021

  • 19:00 – Liechtenstein – ROMANIA, Armenia – Germany, North Macedonia – Iceland

Tags: mirel radoi , romania north macedonia , radoi covid
