Vlad Voiculescu, on the Bucharest quarantine: No measure can be excluded. There will be new restrictions


The Minister of Health declared, this Tuesday, regarding the quarantine of Bucharest that “no measure can never be excluded, as long as we talk about people’s health, but we are not talking about quarantine in the coming days.”

However, new restrictions will be announced during the day.

“You can never rule out any measure, as long as we talk about people’s health, but we are not talking about quarantine in the next few days,” Vlad Voiculescu said on Tuesday when asked about the quarantine of the capital.

The Health Minister said there would be a set of measures, which “could also mean additional restrictions”, which will most likely be unveiled on Tuesday.

“There will be some measures that we are discussing now at 1:00 p.m., in the Ministry of Health, together with the Directorate of Emergency Situations, with the National Institute of Public Health. It is a set of measures that will most likely be released during the The measures may mean additional restrictions. (…) The quarantine cannot be ruled out, it is certainly being discussed once the threshold of 6 per thousand has been exceeded, but this is a discussion that we have with specialists every day, “said the minister.

Asked if he personally considers that Bucharest should be quarantined, Vlad Voiculescu replied: “I personally believe that we must take steps to save some people.”

“The methodology that leads to the establishment of the quarantine measure in one locality or another has failed in the case of Timişoara, in the case of Timiş County. If, for example, there are no more intensive care beds in a locality, then action will be taken as soon as possible, “explained Voiculescu.

He said that almost “everywhere” in the country there is a shortage of medical personnel.

“Almost everywhere there is a shortage of staff, almost everywhere this is the state of the health system at the moment and we are talking about increasing the number of intensive care beds, but we must know that there is a limitation, we are not talking about furniture, we are talking about people. “People cannot buy in the store, or in a distributor or another. There are many doctors, nurses, who could have helped us during this period and who unfortunately work abroad.” said the MS representative.

Vlad Voiculescu said that the wish of all members of the Government is that, at Easter, people have vacations “as it should be.”

“The desire of this government, shared by all members of the government, is for the people to have the right holiday for Easter. It itself means to be as safe as possible or to be as manageable a danger as possible. On the other hand, it is important to each of us meet our loved ones, beat an Easter egg, etc., and we hope to be able to do so, which means that in the next few weeks we have until Orthodox Easter, there are almost two Weeks until Catholic Easter, we have to take measures just to be safe for us and ours ”, stressed the Minister of Health.
