Germany extended the blockade until April 18. Angela Merkel, marathon meeting with the leaders of the 16 states


“We are in a very serious situation. The number of cases is growing exponentially and intensive care beds are filling up again,” Angela Merkel said.

Germany began cautiously easing restrictions this month, but new strains of the virus are spreading extremely fast, worsening the epidemiological situation and reigniting fears of insufficient health capacity.

The Robert Koch Institute of Infectious Diseases announced that on Monday the number of cases per 100,000 inhabitants registered during a week was 107, above the threshold of 100, which intensive care units no longer face. More than 3,000 people were admitted to ATI rooms in Germany on Sunday.

As of April 1, residents of Germany are urged to stay home to reduce contact with other citizens. The stores are not closing, although Merkel has specifically requested it.

Citizens cannot hold family gatherings with more than five participants, and the government will ask churches to conduct their Easter service online.
