Yellow snow code in 15 counties and Bucharest. A thick layer of snow will be deposited and the weather will be particularly cold


The NMA issued this Tuesday morning a yellow snow code for the south of the country, but also meteorological information for other areas of the country, valid until Thursday morning. A 30-centimeter layer of snow will be deposited in some areas. Especially on Wednesdays and Thursdays the weather will be particularly cold.

The meteorological information is issued for the interval of March 9, 23:00 to March 11, 10:00 and refers to moderate quantitative precipitation predominantly in the form of snow and intensifications of

During the mentioned interval, the area of ​​moderate quantitative rainfall will gradually include Oltenia, Muntenia, Dobrogea, southern Banat and the area of ​​the South Carpathians and Curvatura. Snow will predominate, and in the extreme south and southeast, the night from Tuesday to Wednesday (March 9/10) and in the first part of Wednesday (March 10) the precipitation will also be in the form of sleet and rain. Isolated ice or frost will form.

In general, low snowfall will be reported locally in Transylvania, Moldova and the rest of the mountainous area.

The wind will intensify in the south and southeast regions, as well as in the mountains, with speeds generally of 45 … 55 km / h, blowing snow temporarily and amplifying the sensation of cold.

The weather will be particularly cold on Wednesdays and Thursdays, especially in the southern regions, where the thermal values ​​will be 8 … 10 degrees lower than the multi-year averages, and the nights from Wednesday to Thursday (March 10/11) and Thursday a Friday (March 11/12) in most regions.

The yellow code for heavy snowfall and constant local snow cover will take effect on March 10 at 03:00 and expire the following day, March 11, at 06:00.

Yellow code for snow issued March 9, 2021.

In Oltenia and most of Muntenia, as well as in the Banat Mountains area, in the Southern Carpathians and in the Curvature Carpathians, from the second part of the night from Tuesday to Wednesday (9/10 March ) and until Thursday morning (March 11), there will be temporary snowfalls, especially significant (20… 30 l / m2) and a locally consistent layer of snow will be deposited.

Publisher: GC
