Who is Viorel Șeicaru, one of the Section 16 police accused of torture?


Viorel Șeicaru, one of the Bucharest Section 16 police officers accused of torture, after he kidnapped and beat two young men together with other colleagues, is a trade union leader. He is known as one of the most vocal trade unionists in the Police and recently participated in protests in front of the Interior Ministry.

Three agents of Section 16 are in preventive detention and another 5 under judicial control after attacking two young people who accused the police of not wearing a protective mask while the agents carried out routine controls in the center of the Capital.

Union leader, participating in the protest

Viorel Șeicaru, one of the officers arrested for torture, has worked in the Police for almost 20 years. In recent years he has been employed in Section 16 of Sector 4. He is the one who represents the interests of fellow agents in the Capital, because he is their union leader in SNAP – National Union of Police Officers in Romania, where he also exercises the position of vice president.

In this capacity, he participated in almost all the protests organized in front of the Interior Ministry, when the police demanded extra money, among other rights.

Now, Viorel Șeicaru is among 9 officers charged with torturing two young men last fall.

“My friend told them about the mask, why he is not wearing a mask, after which an elderly policeman insulted him. I also headed. They punished me, handcuffed me, put me in the car, sprayed me with paralyzing spray and locked me up. Then they took me to the field. On the way to the field I asked them where I was going, because they did not identify me. I got to the field, they took me out of the car handcuffed. They punched me in the ribs on the right side, then they put me on the ground, face down, they turned me on my back, they beat me with sticks, “said one of the victims.

The man’s friend was also tortured by the police.

“They handcuffed me, put me in the back seat, sprayed my eyes and then took me somewhere in Ferentari,” said the second victim.

New evidence of violent practices

Meanwhile, new charges have emerged against the police union leader arrested for torture. Another man claims that he was illegally pushed and handcuffed by the same agent in 2019. The man says he immediately filed a complaint with the District 4 Court Prosecutor’s Office, but only received this summons to appear at hearings as an injured party. .

In fact, some people from Viorel Șeicaru would be involved in other similar events. A 2018 video from Section 16 shows three officers I hit a man in handcuffs. Viorel Șeicaru, who would have been the shift leader, also enters the room. It does not seem to intervene or act.

“The images do nothing but talk about the behavior of this individual. A very violent man, very aggressive, I feel that I cannot even say that he is a colleague of mine, I can say that he has the attitude of a street scoundrel. Period. I had a reaction, they threatened me on various channels to do my job, ”said Florin Vîlnei, president of the National Federation of Policemen Sed Lex.

The head of the union SNAP resigns from his colleague

Iulian Surugiu, the head of the SNAP union whose vice president is Viorel Șeicaru, is now renouncing the behavior of the person with whom he shares the leadership of the organization.

“From my point of view, especially since I am the founder of that union, I cannot explain myself. But such a thing cannot exist in Romania, in any country in the world. Unfortunately, there are some children or mature people, even if the person in The question is a mature person, who when he reaches a union position, if he thinks he can do something, it is wrong, ”said Iulian Surugiu, president of SNAP.

The Interior Minister, Lucian Bode, declares himself outraged by the situation. “It is inadmissible to have this behavior, you, who wear a police uniform. The investigation will continue, we will see evidence, but if even 1 percent of what was said in public space is true, these individuals do not honor the police uniform” said Lucian Bode, Minister of the Interior.

Read also: Police abuse, an inherited practice. CTP recounted how he was picked up by the militia one night, during Ceausescu’s time.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
