When we go to daylight saving time 2021. The watches will have to be delivered an hour before


It is the first weekend in March, the month in which the transition to daylight saving time 2021 will occur, perhaps for the last time. It is the time when the clocks must be given one hour in advance. During summer time, the difference between Romanian official time and universal time (GMT) will be three hours (compared to two hours in winter time).

The transition to daylight saving time 2021 will take place one week after the spring equinox, marked March 20, 2021, when day will equal night. From this moment on, the day begins to “increase” and the night decreases (the duration of natural light for one day) until the summer solstice on June 21.

The time change will take place on the last weekend of March 2021, more precisely on the night of March 27-28, 2021, when 3:00 becomes 4:00. “We sleep less”, as they say, and March 28, 2021 will be the shortest day of the year, theoretically taking 23 hours.

The summer and winter time system involves a time adjustment of the clocks each spring and fall.

In summer, the clock is moved forward one hour (3:00 is 4:00), while in winter the operation is reversed, the clocks are turned back one hour, and 4:00 is 3 o’clock: 00.

However, winter time is considered standard time.

The introduction of daylight saving time was aimed at increasing the number of hours people enjoy natural sunlight and was extremely advantageous for those who once worked in agriculture.

The summer-winter time system was adopted by European countries in the last century to save energy, especially during war or oil market crises in the 1970s.

As the weather changes

The European Commission has proposed to waive seasonal time change in Europe, giving Member States the freedom to decide, once and for all, whether they want to apply daylight saving time permanently. It would have been followed by the change of summer and winter time in the European Union starting in 2021.

Thus, the states that decided to permanently maintain summer time would have made the last change in this regard on the last Sunday of March 2021, and those that preferred to stay in winter time (standard time) would have made the last change on the last Sunday of March October 2021.

Normally, EU countries were expected to inform the Commission of their choice before April 2020 and then coordinate with the EU bloc executive so that individual decisions did not affect the functioning of the single market. But the special situation that followed the crisis caused by the coronavirus pandemic turned these plans upside down.

The proposal to abandon the time change appeared in 2018 and should have taken effect in 2019, but some European countries have opposed.

What decision does Romania make regarding the time change?

In Romania, a legislative proposal has been drawn up to renounce summer time and keep only winter time.

The initiative to repeal Government Ordinance no. 20/1997 on the establishment of summer time and official summer time in Romanian territory (L281 / 2018) was rejected by the Senate, in the session of May 29, 2018, as the first notified Chamber. On that date, the Romanian Government also expressed its position of not supporting the adoption of this legislative initiative.

The draft was sent to the Chamber of Deputies, the chamber of decision.

However, the Government maintained the same position in the point of view presented to the Chamber of Deputies on January 22, 2020, and the Chamber’s Industry and Services Commission also issued a negative opinion.

Finally, the legislative initiative was returned to the committees for another report on February 10, 2021, pending a decision at the European level.

“Let’s not forget that in the end we have to work after the natural time and not after such conventions that cause great health problems and, paradoxically, entail economic losses, since the efficiency of human activity decreases”, says Andrei Daniel Gheorghe. , one of the supporters of the initiative to waive daylight saving time, who asked that the project be returned to the committees for another report.

We support this legislative initiative and we believe that it is necessary to await the decision at European level. But when this decision is made -because it is foreseeable that it will go in the direction of the bill- to have a legislative proposal on which to discuss this aspect of eliminating the transition to summer time, ”said the leader of the NLP group of the Chamber of Deputies, Gabriel Andronache.

Consequently, the draft was returned to the committees for at least two months, with the possibility of extending the deadline.

Editor: Luana Pavaluca
