We are not in the third wave. They make fun of us, there are other interests


Adina Alberts contradicts the specialists: “It is an attempt to artificially form this third wave. There is no threat. They make fun of us, there are other interests “

Adina Alberts declared, live on România TV, that what is circulating in the public space, that is to say that the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic has arrived, is a joke.

“I can only see, as many people can already realize, it is a hoax, an attempt to artificially shape this third wave. It did not come. If, in fact, there had been the slightest threat of a third wave taking over, we should have done the following. Let go, let us liberalize access to ivermectin, a substance considered by the great specialists of the world the substance – miracle. We could prevent any mutation. We could lift people out of the grave from the last stage of the disease. It could be done if it were a threat. But there is no threat, they are simply making fun of us, there are other interests. I can suspect that the interest is to conclude this clinical study in our country on these vaccines ”, said Adina Alberts on RomâniaTv.

Beatrice Mahler: Romania has entered wave 3. I am concerned about the situation

Lately, more and more specialists say that Romania has entered the third wave 3. Among them is Beatrice Mahler, director of the Marius Nasta Institute in the Capital.

“The ATI section is completely full, including the mobile unit. There are some vacancies in the ward, there the flow of hospitalizations – discharges allows us to discharges and stay during the day with few places, but the last four days have meant an increase in the number of patients and that worries me, and with the British strain that we have in circulation, it is not difficult at all to have an increase in the number of cases because it is extremely contagious.

How things evolved in Marius Nasta is a personal opinion, I think we have entered wave 3 and the evolution can only be worrying.

If the number of hospitalizations will remain the same, and it is up to each of us how we will follow the rules and how we will understand that together we can overcome those moments that we all fear, that is, exceed the capacity of Covid patient care hospitals. “said Beatrice Mahler.

The medical director of “Matei Balş”: “We fear it could be worse than wave 2”

The medical director of the Matei Balş Institute in the capital, Cătălin Apostolescu, raised an alarm signal related to the third wave of the coronavirus pandemic. “It will not bypass Romania and our fear is that it will be worse,” he said.

“I’m afraid it could be worse,” confesses the doctor. “Ten, come on, if we are optimistic, 15 percent of the population has been through COVID infection, so this shows us that we still have the majority of the population that has not been through COVID. We fear that the third wave will be worse than the second, in the sense that there will be many more patients. (Journalist: Worse yet?) We still don’t know how it will evolve from a clinical point of view, but I ask you: between 1,000 patients with 3 percent mortality and 3,000 patients with 2 percent mortality, how is it better? ”- draws the attention of the medical director of” Matei Balş “.

New mutations will appear and we will have to live with COVID for many years, added the director.

“Besides those strains, there will be others,” he added. “We can look at history, we can look at mathematical models. It is clear that this virus will remain with us for a long time, 10 years, 20 years, 30 years,” says the doctor.
