Gheorghiță: We have requested the age increase for the AstraZeneca vaccine to 65 years / We are also considering the complete removal of the age threshold: Coronavirus


The coordinator of the national vaccination campaign, the military doctor Valeriu Gheorghiță, announced this Sunday, on Antena 3, that he asked the competent authorities to increase the age threshold to 65 years for the administration of the vaccine produced by the Anglo-Swedish company AstraZeneca.

“I can say for the first time that last week I made an official request to the specialized commissions of the Ministry of Health and to the National Medicines Agency to re-evaluate the age criteria for the AstraZeneca vaccine, given that additional data has emerged on the undoubted effectiveness of this vaccine in people over 55 years of age.

We are considering raising the age threshold to 65 or eliminating it entirely. Data from the UK, Scotland show a very good efficacy of over 94% in preventing hospitalizations and severe forms of COVID-19 disease.

I think all the data at this time recommends either raising the 65-year limit or removing it. The vast majority of AstraZeneca doses given in the UK have been used in people over the age of 65, “said Gheorghiță.

At this time, in Romania, the AstraZeneca product is administered only to people up to 55 years of age.

On Friday, Canada approved the vaccine for the entire adult population, saying that effectiveness in those 65 and older is demonstrated by data from external clinical trials. Also on Friday, Poland announced that it will increase the age of the AstraZeneca vaccine to 69 years.

The European Medicines Agency approved the vaccine on January 29 for everyone over 18 years of age.

Several European countries, including Germany, Spain, Austria, the Netherlands, Italy and Belgium, have limited AstraZeneca’s age to 65 years.
