February 24, 2021, the darkest day in the last 100 years of civil aviation. Pilot Osiceanu, the HORROR list. Everything fell apart today


Photo Pexels, illustrative character

Photo Pexels, illustrative character

Pilot Cezar Osiceanu spoke about the saddest day in world civil aviation, presenting the current situation.

“EMIRATES AIRWAYS closed 38 Airbus A380 aircraft.

At the same time, it canceled the world’s largest order for 150 planes for the Boeing 777 X, the new model launched just a few months ago by the American manufacturer.

At the same time, they invited all employees over 56 to retire.

ETIHAD AIRWAYS canceled 18 Airbus 350 orders and laid off 10 Airbus 380 and 10 Boeing 787 Dreamliner on the right, laying off 720 employees.

LUFTHANSA AIRLINES intends to detain 72 aircraft on the ground out of the Airbus 380 and Boeing 747 fleets already detained.

THAI AIRWAYS filed for bankruptcy.

SOUTH AFRICAN AIRWAYS has filed for bankruptcy.

FINN AIR returned 12 aircraft to leasing companies and laid off 2,400 employees.

FIJI AIRWAYS laid off 700 employees, including pilots.

VIRGIN AIRWAYS laid off more than 3,000 employees, including 600 pilots.

VIRGEN AUSTRALIA declared bankruptcy.

SAS returned 14 aircraft to leasing companies and laid off 520 pilots.

The Scandinavian states are studying the liquidation plan of NORWEGIAN AIRLINES and SAS in an attempt to rebuild new companies.

NORWEGIAN AIRLINES completely halted intercontinental flights by returning 20 Boeing 787 Dreamliners.

BRUSSELS AIRLINE halved the fleet with its personnel.

AIR MAURITIUS entered the special administration procedure before bankruptcy.

IAG (owner, among others, BRITISH AIRWAYS) fired 34 aircraft to the right, the entire fleet of Airbus 380 and Boeing 747s and all employees over 58 years old forced them to retire.

It also abandoned the negotiated and signed acquisition of AIR EUROPA (from one billion euros in 2018 it managed to decrease to just 500 million, but, by renouncing the acquisition, it will pay penalties of 40 million euros).

IAG (owner and owner of the Spanish company IBERIA) fired all Airbus 340, 350, etc. planes on the right. a total of 56 aircraft.

LUXAIR has reduced its cargo fleet by 50% inclusive.

CSA completely abandoned the long-haul sector and only retained 5 medium-haul aircraft.

* YOU * landed 22 planes and laid off 4,400 employees.

RYANAIR has shut down 113 aircraft and has laid off 900 pilots so far, another 450 who will be laid off in the coming months. In addition, it lost the cases before the Court of Justice of the European Communities against the states and companies that received aid during this period.

WIZZAIR returned 32 Airbus A320s and laid off 1,200 employees, including 200 pilots, another 430 people will be laid off in the coming months.

The remaining employees received 30% cuts in revenue.

EUROWINGS filed for bankruptcy.

HOP studies the possibility of reducing the fleet and personnel by 50%

Currently, 60 new aircraft are stored in the company parking lot and due to a lack of buyers, AIRBUS has no potential buyers and has many order cancellations, including 18 cancellations of the Airbus 350 model.

It is estimated that by September 2021 at least 8,000 thousand aircraft will be grounded, which would mean the dismissal of no less than 90,000 pilots around the world.

The estimated costs to resume the activity of a pilot in such a situation are estimated at a minimum of 7-8000 euros.

Meanwhile, the fired pilots do all the work possible from bus drivers, taxis, etc. even waiters, porters, etc. in order to help their families with the loss of their income on average 80-90%.

“The AIR TRANSPORTATION industry is on life support.”

WITHOUT DENIAL, THE WORST IS STILL TO BE TESTIFIED !! “describes Cezar Osiceanu as the darkest day in the last 100 years of civil aviation.
