The government cut off all money from the Academy of Scientists. RSU, incomprehensible war with the “child” of the liberals


Photo: Dan Barna and Florin Cîțu

Photo: Dan Barna and Florin Cîțu

The Academy of Scientists ran out of money after USR put a lot of pressure on the institution to cut off all its funds. The government led by a liberal prime minister has managed to run out of money an institution that historically has always been the “daughter” of liberals, as Professor Adrian Badea, president of the Association of Romanian Scientists (AOSR), tells us.

For two years in a row, USR has been betting on leaving the Academy of Scientists penniless. Although initially, both in 2020 and 2021, the amounts needed for the Academy were included in the country’s budget, the money was cut after the intervention of RSU decision makers who lobbied the liberals.

“We do not know what is at stake in this war that is not now, it started a year ago. A year ago the country’s budget was approved, assuming responsibility. We thought, we were covered with money in the budget, some amendments were even discussed, That’s when USR put the amendment to cut our budget and they cut it for us and where we had 32 employees, two offices, hallway, we woke up that we no longer have any employees, because we can no longer pay them, without leaving money. Then we went to Mr. Orban, Mr. Cîțu and they told us that it was a misunderstanding and that they would fix it. Now, again, in 2021, in the budget under discussion we had the money allocated. We thought everything was fine until yesterday. The budget was cut again, to USR proposal. Some outright lies are being told about us, “Professor Ing. Adrian Badea, president of AOSR, told DCNews.

The Academy of Scientists was established with the support of the Liberals in 1935: “He was the son of the Liberals”

Professor Adrian Badea says that the foundations of the Academy of Scientists were laid in 1935 by the great liberal leaders. After years, the institution reorganized. Today, USR boasts of the performance of leaving them penniless, and the “success” is also featured on the party’s website. In order for everything to be justified and for “success” to be applauded, an attempt was made to stigmatize the Academy of Scientists because at one point, Ion Iliescu and Teodor Meleșcanu became honorary members.

“Our Academy has a founding law, law 31 of 2007. In the first article it is written that this Academy is the successor to the Romanian Academy of Sciences, which was founded in 1935 by great Romanian scientists led by Constantin Anghelescu, a great a surgeon, but also a great politician, who was the Minister of Public Instruction, the first ambassador to the United States, and who was a great liberal leader; in a way, this academy was the daughter of liberals. In 1948 the communists abolished this academy , but not only ours The Academy of Medical Sciences was also abolished, for example, and in 1966, the Romanian Association of Scientists (AOSR) was established to replace the Academy of Sciences, which after the Revolution became the Academy Romanian Scientist, which remained an NGO until 2007 when it was structured as an Academy: we have 150 full members, 100 correspondents and 40 honorary members in Romania, another 100 in e l foreigner and we have many associated embryos who are also waiting to enter our Academy.

It was a time when the number of 4,000 members of the old NGO was reduced to 120. It was a commission led by academic Sandulescu and made this selection. At that time, in addition to the people who did science, there were also some who had value, but were less concerned about science and that is why Messrs. Ion Iliescu and Teodor Melescanu appeared as honorary members, whom I did not see in my life. with us at the Academy after 2008. Therefore, that name remained and many said that it is the academy of Iliescu and Melescanu, that the poor have no fault with our Academy. By law, an Academy cannot resign some members unless harm has been created or convicted, “added Adrian Badea.

Academy of Scientists, among the 800 best research institutions, together with the Romanian Academy

The institution also enjoys strong international recognition, being on the specialty lists.

“The academy has an extremely rich scientific activity through its members. In this scientific world, it is quantified by two indicators: the number of articles published in journals that are listed in international phases and the number of citations in these databases. In the SCIMAGO ranking Last year we ranked eighth in Romania, ahead of us are the Romanian Academy and several other research institutions.In a world ranking, in the first 800 institutions only the Romanian Academy appears with the 676th place and us , with place 790. Our budget is only 1.35% of the budget of the Romanian Academy Well, now we have nothing, but when we had it, that was our budget We have nothing to do with the Romanian Academy, we recognize that it is the forum Romanian supreme academic, we do not have the academic title Also, we have 13-14 academics who are our members Two great presidents Radu Voina and Ionel Vlad, presidents of Ac Romanian members were our members until their death. It is a very well cohesive academy that has found its place during this period. I received as headquarters a house that was in ruins, I worked three years on the rocks, which is now elite. We have our own publishing house, we have 15 sections, 7 branches in Romania and 2 abroad, in New York and in Chisinau. We work hard and move very well and suddenly a title appears: Phantom Academy. What ghost domle ‘, if you don’t know anything, you say it’s a ghost? We are very visible, “concluded Badea.
