The head of the Economic and Social Council explains to Florin Cîțu why he gave an unfavorable opinion on the budget: ‘It reflects the economic and social impact of the measures’ – News sources


The unfavorable opinion issued by the Economic and Social Council (CES) on these draft normative acts on budgets reflects both the economic and social impact of the proposed measures, as perceived by the members of the Plenary, and the deficiencies related to social dialogue and civic. CES President Bogdan Simion.

“On Friday, the Romanian government requested the opinion of the Economic and Social Council on the state budget bills and the state social security law. On Monday evening, it requested the opinion, as a matter of urgency, on a GEO project on Fiscal-budgetary measures with social impact Recognizing the need for the urgent adoption of laws on the state budget and the state budget for social security, we agreed to discuss the aforementioned documents at this week’s meeting, ”said Bogdan Simion in a statement sent to AGERPRES.

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He stressed the lack of public debate and debate with the social partners and non-governmental organizations of civil society on these projects “of fundamental importance to society”.

It should be noted that there has been a lack of public debate and debate with the social partners and non-governmental organizations of civil society about these projects of fundamental importance for society. From the public and the impact on the economic environment, like many other very important aspects, they could not be sufficiently understood and discussed by the interested parties with the government representatives, ”Bogdan Simion also said.

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According to the cited source, the laws with the greatest impact must be debated publicly, with the social partners and with civil society.

“The need for the Economic and Social Council to analyze these bills in a very short time has affected our ability to carry out our own consultations and deepen our analysis. Hence the unfavorable opinion of the Economic and Social Council Directorate on these draft laws. Normative acts reflect both the economic and social impact of the proposed measures, as seen by the members of the Plenary, as well as the deficiencies related to social and civic dialogue. We urge the Government to involve the social partners and non-governmental organizations of society in the future. at all stages leading up to the adoption of major normative acts, to ensure sufficient time for analysis of their impact and for dialogue, including through public debate, “said Bogdan Simion.

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It also urges the Government to give the CES the possibility of allocating a longer analysis time in the case of complex regulatory acts with a significant impact, within the legal period of 10 working days.

“At the same time, in order to achieve in good conditions the role conferred by the Romanian Constitution by art. 141, we ask the Government to guarantee the ETUC the possibility of allocating a longer analysis time in case of complex normative acts with greater impact, the legal term of 10 business days. ”, is also said in the statement.

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The Economic and Social Council is an advisory body to Parliament and the Government in the specialized fields established by its organic law of establishment, organization and operation.

Prime Minister Florin Cîţu stated that the opinion of the Fiscal Council on the state budget for 2021 represents “the opinion of professionals”, and that expressed by the CES, an opinion issued by “a political council”.

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“Reform is needed. Basically. Premiere in Romania. The Fiscal Council considers that Romania has a credible budget this year, which mainly maintains investments. This is the opinion of the professionals. Today, however, the budget was also in the Economic Council and Social to give an opinion A political council, with members paid with public money but without any responsibility for their vote. You also need to know this truth. How do you think the opinion of this political council will be? today with the approvals given to the budgets that destroyed Romania in the period 2017 – 2019, “wrote Florin Cîţu, on Thursday, on his Facebook page.

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