The protective mask is mandatory in all schools. What are the exceptions


The protective mask will be mandatory in all schools with the physical reopening of schools on Monday. The Ministries of Education and Health have announced that children under 5 years of age are an exception to this rule. For people who cannot wear a mask, it is recommended to participate in online courses, rather than physical presence without a mask.

„The rules and exceptions on the use of the mask are established by the Ministry of Health, which has as its main responsibility the development of policies, strategies and action programs in the field of health of the population, in the Joint Order MS-MAI no. 874/81/2020 of May 22, 2020 on the establishment of the obligation to wear a protective mask, epidemiological triage and mandatory hand disinfection to prevent contamination with the SARS-CoV-2 virus during the state of alert.

According to the aforementioned normative act, included in the Government Resolution No. workplace, during the presence in any of the closed spaces of the premises.

Depending on the risk assessment carried out by the unit’s occupational medicine doctor, there may be some exceptions to the use of a mask, in accordance with the provisions of subsection 2, point I of the annex to Order 874/81 / 2020, as follows:

a) the employee is alone in the office

b) the person suffers from diseases that affect the oxygenation capacity;

c) the person performs intense physical activities and / or in demanding working conditions (high temperatures, high humidity, etc.);

d) Television presenters and their guests, provided that the distance of 3 meters between people is observed;

e) children under 5 years of age.

People allergic to the materials that the masks are made of may wear masks made of materials other than those to which they are known to be allergic or other forms of protection (eg, visors).

People with chronic respiratory diseases with low oxygenation capacity are at higher risk of developing severe forms of COVID-19 and therefore it is recommended to participate online in educational activities instead of physical presence without a mask. Thus, from the aforementioned legal provisions, it follows that the exceptions apply based on the risk assessment carried out by the unit’s occupational medicine doctor, or the doctor treating allergy sufferers, ”the two ministries pointed out in a joint statement.

In addition to the specifications on protective masks, the Ministry of Education announced that the consent form to evaluate students with symptoms of Covid-19 has been finalized.

Schools in Romania will physically reopen from Monday, February 8.

Publisher: Adrian Dumitru
