Raed Arafat, last minute announcement! “An increase in cases is possible”


Raed Arafat: “We monitor every day all the data that comes in to see if it increases, decreases. We see to count the faithful indicators that they are intensive care. Admissions, discharges, all this. We are at the root of a situation, at this point we are already on the set. It doesn’t go down, so now we’re on a set. And in intensive care it increases, decreases, but we are on a general plateau. In ATI you are in the phase where it is plus 10. It decreases a little, it increases again, but clearly better than in November. That does not guarantee that it will restart at any time, ”said the head of DSU.

Raed Arafat, last minute announcement! “There may be an increase in cases after the reopening of schools”

“May. No one can deny this and growth can occur. Now we will see if this growth is controllable or not. Controllable means that it is in the parameters in which the impact on the health sector is not one that blocks it. Do not block ATI and the sections that are intended for oxygen, because everything, if you see all the countries that take measures, take into account the impact on the health system, to deal with the health system.

We reached a peak in November. There I saw that work was being done on several fronts, the ATI sections, the sections where he supplemented oxygen concentrators and the emergency units created red zones, that is, they attended to patients until they found space. Today was a slight increase, yesterday was a slight decrease, but it is not an increase of hundreds, thousands, to say that it is a significant increase. Let no one interpret that we are very well and prepared. We must continue to comply with the measures, we go in parallel with vaccination. The doses will increase, their number will increase, if we are now among the countries that have vaccinated a significant percentage. We are above 2%, we are good. In general, we are good with Europe, we are in the first countries, ”said Raed Arafat.

Raed Arafat announced that he canceled the order for the secondment of school doctors

Doctors and school assistants will return to the schools where they work on Monday.

“On Friday, I canceled the transfer order for everyone. They go back to school. I issued a cancellation order on Friday. The Public Health Departments need to find another solution, that’s what I asked. It is by order of the action commander on detachment, considering that the new schools are being opened, we could no longer retain the school medical personnel, auxiliaries and doctors in DSP.

We gave the order to return, we canceled the secondment order, now the public health departments can find residents, other categories of doctors, nurses, and then we second them. If a school enters the online scene, then the Public Health Directorate can request the redeployment of staff during that period, “said Raed Arafat, Sunday night on Antena 3.
