Donald Trump pardoned 143 people in the last hours of his term. There are several close ones on the list, including Elliot Broidy, who brought Dragnea to the US.


Donald Trump has pardoned 143 people in the final hours of his term as president, and those who received the presidential clemency included his former strategist Steve Bannon, as well as celebrities like rapper Lil Wayne and people convicted of serious corruption.

UPDATE ora 9.40 However, Donald Trump would not have gone so far as to accord himself and his family members preemptively, writes The Washington Post. Even his lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, who fell from grace, would not have granted him pardons.

Among those pardoned is Kwame Kilpatrick, a former Detroit mayor, according to the BBC, cited by

Former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick, who was serving a 28-year prison sentence for corruption, is also serving a presidential pardon.

Other pardons include, according to Reuters, Elliott Broidy, a former activist who raised funds for Trump and admitted to illegally pressuring the United States government to escape an investigation into a major scandal. corruption in Malaysia.

Elliot Broidy is the one who took Dragnea to visit the United States and tried to do business with the Romanian army.

Read also: BREAKING Liviu Dragnea, summoned to DNA to be charged in the file of Donald Trump’s visit to the United States.

Who is Bannon?

BannonTrump’s top adviser in the 2016 campaign was charged in August last year with fraud in a fundraising campaign to build a wall on the US-Mexico border.

Bannon, a former chief White House strategist and right-wing American nationalist theorist, advised Trump for about a year, until August 2017.

Bannon, Brian Kolfage, Andrew Badolato, Thimothy Shea and others “orchestrated a scheme to scam hundreds of thousands of donors” in the online campaign “We Build the Wall”, in which 25 people rallied. millions of dollars, prosecutors said.

Bannon apparently received more than $ 1 million, most of which he used to cover his personal expenses.

Lil Wayne si Kodak Black they were charged with firearms, while Kilpatrick is serving a 28-year prison sentence for corruption.

It is common for the president to issue pardon decrees before the end of his term.

A pardon cancels a criminal conviction, while a switch shortens or ends a prison sentence. As for crimes charged by a federal court, the American president has unlimited power to forgive.

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