Alexandru Rafila, recommendations to stop the pandemic: ‘You have to do two things’. What about the third wave of the COVID-19 pandemic? – News from sources


Professor Alexandru Rafila believes that, in parallel with the vaccination of medical personnel, in Romania the administration of the vaccine against COVID-19 and people in vulnerable categories should begin. If this happens as soon as possible, after the vaccination of approximately 4 million people, a slowdown of the pandemic could be noticed, estimated Rafila, on Saturday, in an intervention on B1 TV.

“You have to increase two things: the supply of vaccines (we have to get to about 300,000 doses per week in terms of vaccine deliveries) and the same number of people must be vaccinated weekly. Obviously, not only among medical personnel, but also among vulnerable categories because this contract of 10 million doses, concluded with the company Pfizer, extends to nine months and a simple calculation shows that, each month, about 1, Se they will deliver 2 million doses and obviously they will have to be administered in the same proportion. Since there will be two administrations per person, it means that by September, around 5 million people should be vaccinated with this vaccine alone.

If in the meantime there is another licensed vaccine, for example, the AstraZeneca vaccine, which is a bit easier to manage and maintain, then family doctors and the population that is not in a vulnerable category can also be co-opted to be vaccinated ”, Alexandru Rafila said.

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He also spoke of improving the way vaccination is scheduled, especially in rural areas, where people do not always have access to the Internet.

“I think it is important that we manage to vaccinate between 35,000 and 40,000 people a day. (…) Obviously more vaccination centers will be opened. I believe that, in a very short time, in parallel with the medical personnel, vaccination of categories should begin In other words, let’s not hope to end medical personnel and move to vulnerable categories, but to start vaccination at the same time. I think we should work a little more on programming because it is somewhat complicated, there are many people in rural areas who it does not have access to the internet, digital tools and then much faster and more traditional programming is needed, through the family doctor.

If we vaccinate in risk categories, around 3-4 million people, then we will see a slowdown and more importantly, not only a slowdown, but also a protection of these people who tend to go to hospital care. . If we can protect people who are at risk of complications that may occur during the disease, then the health system will be relieved and will be able to start working for other categories of patients who are now somewhat marginalized, “said Rafila.

Regarding international warnings about the appearance of a third wave of the coronavirus pandemic, Alexandru Rafila said that this could happen in the next period.

“The third wave is already occurring in Japan, for example. It is expected in January-February. It is a normal cyclicality for respiratory transmitted infections and it will be evident where health systems work, where they are tested and where they are reported,” he said. also Alexandru Rafila.
